Scriptural & Civil Responsibility

Trinity Farms International Ministries

Described as a “CyberSpace Ministry” empowering Spiritually, Physically, Financially, Mentally & Emotionally which Scripture defines as a Whole Man. Trinity Farms operates out of a genuine love for mankind; that all may know Truth.


Couple this with Truth Technology involving Law, Finance, Living Free, Self-governing, Self-supporting, Living Grid Free, and Alternative Medicine with a firm Foundation in Jesus the Christ, the Absolute Cornerstone.

“In Life we’re all sailing on the seas of commerce and few know how to sail” By Father, Honorable Man, A Captain, Navy SEAL & Duke Masters Graduate

Latest Post:

  • “The Greatest Secret”
    I met a chap in a pub who told me the Greatest Secret that keeps us in debt. Very few understand how this system works and too many live in fear of the matrix. Sadly, most work all their lives to end up broke and unhealthy depending on a system that has failed them. The… Read more: “The Greatest Secret”
  • “Why Me Lord”
    This is kris Kristofferson telling the story of Why Me Lord, which reminds me of an experience I went through over 40 years ago. kris also reminds me of one of my brothers down in Florida who I love dearly, as I do my youngest brother. Being the eldest, I’ve always been inspired to point… Read more: “Why Me Lord”
  • “The Pfizer Papers”
    New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Naomi Wolf, describes how being deplatformed for questioning the dangerous reactions from women after the mRNA vaccines, inspired her to dive into the Pfizer trial documents that were only released by the FDA after action funded by ICAN, with a legal team led by Aaron Siri. Hear how she… Read more: “The Pfizer Papers”
  • “The Outlier”
    Our country has been invaded by the very liars controlling Washington D.C. what the critical thinkers call the District of Criminals. Over the last 4 years we have almost lost our beloved country. America is in trouble on all fronts and families are daily destroyed. We have a Marxist & her socialist running mate seeking… Read more: “The Outlier”