
“Life, Liberty & No Taxes”

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This first thing I learned at 3 is vaccines are evil, designed for longterm medical effects and I was forced to take 2 resulting in a tonsillectomy at 8 years of age.

The white coat syndrome ruled the day as it continues today for the compliant, obedient mind-washed. Sadly, most parents destroy a newborn before the first grade and 12 long years of programming.

Many years of school destroys critical thinking through mass indoctrination void of true education concerning money & law. The result is compliant, controllable, obedient numbered persons which are corporations.

I learned two things at a very young age:

1. Exchanging time for money is economic suicide and, frankly, boring and unfulfilling.

2. School is a terrible racket and very little of what I knew I was learning was actually going to be applicable to my life. I wanted to learn technical subjects that I could use, not advanced mathematics and science and I knew the winners always write the history.

People who fit the above two points are generally attacked by society. People lash out in actions that can be summed up in “misery loves company.” Never truer words spoken.

But the truth is this: they are wrong. They are ALL wrong and the masses don’t want to know they’ve been lied to since birth much less know the truth.

Our society is crushed into this strange ball of degradation where we are supposed to go to school and learn very little useful information, learn and follow laws we cannot hope to understand or know, make money in high taxation and inflation and work where bosses and clients are enough to make you feel like you have been thrown in a garbage compactor and are being crushed at both ends.

Just because every single person tells you the same thing does NOT make it true, try to explain this to the masses.

You have to ask yourself: “am I brainwashed or is it the entire society is mind-washed?”

As depressing and crushing of a realization it is, you may want to watch the documentary Zeitgeist from the work of Jordan Maxwell. Many years ago I spent a week with Jordan in the Maltese Islands.

I came to a decision: that to be accepted by society is essentially death. The only way I would be accepted would be by creating a NEW reality and perception of life and understanding. Then getting people on board with it that are beaten down and confused by the state of the world.

Owning a house doesn’t mean anything, having a nice car doesn’t mean anything, having tons of money in the bank doesn’t mean anything because, you as a corporate fiction own nothing if registered with a number from birth so you slave your life away for what until you’re too sick to work awaiting death.

People are chasing something that they CANNOT get through physical means: self-confidence and high self-value until this is clear. Rebut presumptions and correct status.

All around this is what people are doing… the world is completely insane and to listen to the screams of the people around you is akin to leaning over and kissing a cobra.

Read: “Don’t Be a Slave to Your Clients: Break Your Chains and Regain Your Sanity” – as well as all future books and materials, is that you can trace back all your difficulties, stresses and upsets to PEOPLE.

What I mean by that is it is not money or situations or circumstances that cause you these things. It’s the PEOPLE connected with the money, circumstances and situations that cause the troubles that you have.

Being undeserving, desiring punishment and having a thirst for self-degradation are all keys in being successful in business.

If you do not have these things then learning and changing your situation is possible and can be done rapidly.

My material is based upon a very long study of years where I learned about the state of the world, how the mind works, the true source of the political problems in our world, etc.

My entire purpose is to empower you to a level that has never before been available and to unlock unshakable certainty in who you are and what you do.

In His Service

John 8:32

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