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“Dr. Fear or Dr. Evil”

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Fear has always been the greatest motivation for the average fear ridden man, woman & child. Children are always the greatest victims between the vaccine industry and government schools where the program is set for life, thus destroying all critical, creative thinking.

NEZNATION LIVE with Professor Nez: A thought-provoking podcast that dives deep into the heart of American politics and current events.‘Ideological Bulls**t’: Rich McCormick Grills Fauci On Audio Of Him Discussing Vaccine Requirements🚨LEAKED AUDIO: Fauci Sits STUNNED by McCormick’s EXPLOSIVE Reveal – ‘Ideological Bulls**t!

Sheep are easily led and motivated by Fear just as Fauci, Soros, Gates & Klaus Schwab clearly know this.

Dr Fear Fauci

During a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus hearing Monday, Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) questioned Dr. Fauci on a statement on vaccine requirements he made during a recorded interview. Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited access to premium journalism, including breaking news, groundbreaking in-depth reported stories, daily digests and more. Plus, members get a front-row seat at members-only events with leading thinkers and doers, access to premium video that can help you get ahead, an ad-light experience, early access to select products including NFT drops and more. If only America’s preachers would take a public stand from the pulpit.

Dr Fear

At today’s House Select Committee on the Coronavirus, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci about a range of issues connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited access to premium journalism, including breaking news, groundbreaking in-depth reported stories, daily digests and more. Plus, members get a front-row seat at members-only events with leading thinkers and doers, access to premium video that can help you get ahead, an ad-light experience, early access to select products including NFT drops and more: Imagine how much Fauci has earned from royalties.

Royalties Earned

Complete heated exchange between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Dr. Anthony Fauci Rep. Taylor Greene: “You should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison, Dr. Fauci.”

Heated Exchange

Through the promotion of Fear, Mandates & cohesion, millions are dying buying junk science.

Jesuit Trained

The level of punishment is unchartable for these demons.

Killing Business

Hospitals & nursing homes have become killing fields and death homes where many have lost loved ones.

Blood Money

This leaked audio from Congressional Hearings is so hot you will need hot pads to handle it. 

It comes on the heels of the Fifth Circuit Court decision protecting the free speech rights of physicians from politically-motivated threats made by unaccountable unelected “professional boards” that were goaded by left-wing politicians to punish and censor physicians who questioned or outright denied the official narrative being spun by these bureaucrats throughout the pandemic. 

Meet a frontline Medical Doctor who also happens to be a member of Congress from Georgia tearing Doctor Fauci into little tiny bits and spitting him out all over the floor of the Congressional Hearings into Covid and Fauci’s part in it.  

It will make you feel like your soul just got roto rootered; it will make you feel so good, so uplifted, so proud of this one man taking on the monster and showing Fauci and his whole agenda up for what it is: political coercion in the name of “science”. 

If you do nothing else today, watch this and take in every word, every syllable, and cheer! Thank you Anna Von Reitz!

Fauci with Gates used fear to make billions while creating over 500 billionaires in just a few months. Where are the real men of God, where are the real preachers, where are the real truthers willing to speak loudly in the face of being shunned, banned, silenced, slandered or worse? What about you? Who do you serve? Are you bound by the god of this world or covered by the shed blood of Jesus Christ?

John 8:32

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