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“The Trick”

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“God has given you one face and you make yourself another” William Shakespeare

“Confusion of Being” What would you think if I told you there are TWO OF YOU! One you ARE and the other you APPEAR AS.

You would say that is impossible, and you would be right. You were born with a good brain, but it has been deliberately messed up and for a specific purpose. The illusion you have lived your whole life is so normal, no one can see it.

So, I am going to share, teach and deliver to you 3 distinct presentations. The first presentation will CONFUSE you. The second presentation will hopefully TRANSFORM you, and the third presentation will certainly ENLIGHTEN you. You will have a difficult time trying to grasp the things presented; not due to your lack of intelligence but because of your training (Programing).

You see, the law requires that everyone receive a government approved education. This means that we all know the same things. Ask anyone a question and you will get the same answer. But what are the things that were not approved, and why were they not approved?

Two Of You

Have you ever stopped to think? ………. I mean really stop to think without any influence. We willingly participate and get involved in so many things with no understanding of what we are doing. We do them because we were born into them or because everyone is doing them.

The law governs what we do and do not do; it governs everything. We are told no one is above the law and we must all obey the law. But what really is law and where did it come from? Is there a law that says we have to obey the law? We are all born equal under the law, so, where is it? We are all told that we have free will. If that is true, maybe I will obey the law and maybe I will not. But I see people getting punished for breaking the law. So the law must be higher than free will. Maybe we should be told that we have the law instead of free will.

A few years ago, I stopped to think. My thinking made me realize how little I know. My thinking made me see things I had never seen before. I think you should hear what I have to say, because what I learned and discovered is truly from an original source.

Servant-King, is the birthright of every man from the moment of his first breath until his natural death. Birthright is a term not much used in our vocabulary today. Most people would equate it with some royal lineage or maybe their right to citizenship. It is our birthright that holds our inheritance which in turn holds all of our power, property, rights and duties; and is our single most valuable possession. Unfortunately and unwittingly, we have all been deceived into abandoning our birthright in order to assume a graven identity.
“We have all abandoned our real birthright for an abstract birthright that required no labour.”

This website is the result of an overconfident arrogant force that reached too far. What seemed at the time to be a terrible wrong turned out to be for me, a blessing in disguise.This perceived wrong, led me on a quest, because the things I believed could not possibly be true. This quest ultimately destroyed almost everything I believed and replaced my beliefs with secure confirmed knowledge based on: “Facts, Evidence, Proof”

This website does not contain my opinions or what I believe to be true, only what is really happening in our everyday lives. During my quest I made many discoveries that are not only unbelievable, but apparently are real, true and happening. I learned that belief is only the lack of knowledge, a poor and foolish substitute for the truth. Belief stands opposed to knowledge. 

“Did you know nothing is ever what it appears to be?” and
Thou art not what thou seem’st.

The concepts explained in my presentations affect everyone; the people of every nation on earth. Some of these concepts are easy to see once they are exposed, but some are very difficult to grasp. There is a subtlety to them. Right now these concepts are foreign and alien to your way of thinking. These concepts will require you to think like you have never thought before.

In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 the apostle Paul describes “the coming of the lawless one”, what he will do and how mankind will react. My friend, I am convinced we are on the precipice of the revealing of this “lawless one”, Satan’s counterfeit Christ. It will take a lawless people to follow one who is lawless and we are seeing daily how the whole earth has chosen, for the most part, lawlessness over law and order. This is mankind choosing to cease loving truth.

In vs 10 & 11 Paul says that because man chooses not to love the truth God sends them strong delusion that they may believe the lie. Not a lie, not a series of lies but THE LIE. Remember how this happened to Ahab and how God sent him a “lying spirit” to deceive him and lure him to his death? That is what is happening to, as Paul describes them, “those who are perishing”.  

But we have received The Way, The Truth and The Life and, though there are and will be some of the elect who are deceived, should not be deceived by the ultimate lying spirit which now is in the world. Continue to love truth and safeguard yourself from deception, let no man deceive you, your future and the future of those whom you influence depends on it! The real trick is not to be tricked. 

John 8:32

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