
“Incredible Honor”

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Until President Trump, politics has been a dirty business as many ticks suck the blood out of the people and prayerfully Trump & Vance with the support of the people, will stop the bleed. The American dream will & must return for not only America but the world.

The monetary system must change along with all the extortion agencies which must cease. The theft must stop just as freedom must return, not only for America but the world. America must lead the charge, creating the way.

Politics is the entertainment division of the Military Industrial Complex who likewise used CV19™ to infect the woke sheeple who are now unable to critically think, if they ever could. Government schools work beautifully to infect, control & destroy the masses. Two cheeks of the same backside like the same apples served in two different collared boxes.

America has no choice but to elect President Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance who will make a great team if the Lord Jesus Christ guides them and they rely on His Wisdom, employing critical thinking. There is no other choice & Trump is amazing to withstand all the insults continually delivered by the woke libtards.

What choice does America have? Joe Dementia or J.D. Vance who is a Yale Law School graduate, home of the Bonesman, and Senator in Ohio standing as Trumps chosen Vice President. Listen and take a stand for what is right & honorable.


The society’s clubhouse is a monumental brownstone building in New Haven called the Tomb. Originally built in 1856, the Tomb was doubled in size in 1903 and has since been further enlarged. Skull and Bones is the oldest of several secret societies on the Yale campus.

Skull and Bones, also known as The OrderOrder 322 or The Brotherhood of Death, is an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The oldest senior-class society at the university, Skull and Bones has become a cultural institution known for its powerful alumni and various conspiracy theories.

Skull and Bones is considered one of the “Big Three” societies at Yale University; the other are Scroll and Key and Wolf’s Head.[1] The society is known informally as “Bones”, and members are known as “Bonesmen”, “Members of The Order” or “Initiated to The Order” who produces the deep state leaders. Listen to Mike Adams speak about President Trump and his V.P. pick.

He like Trump props up Israel’s, crimes against humanity, without question. Both are zionist & Trump is the most pro president to date. We must stop supporting the Kasars and support the true Israel.

Recall the Georgia Guidestones; 7 billion got to go and vaccines are a great start from cradle to grave. We the people must stop the vaccines controlled by the Military Industrial Complex controlling the deep state and so much more.

We are living in a time when like CV19™ lies prevail. Just as the woke, vaxxed, libtard, trans, sodomite, LBGT prevail along with all the perverts. From sex traffickers to those selling & consuming little children, human flesh to selling organs like China, the times they are changing. We the People must come to know the Truth and that which has made America Great through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Special Forces Sniper

An emergency episode in the wake of this past weekend. A raw, unfiltered conversation with Special Forces Sniper and Green Beret Tim Kennedy.

Trump Family

Starting with the Yukon Gold Rush of 1880, three generations of the Trump family confront new frontiers and build the foundation for Donald Trump’s fame and fortune.

Listen to Mark Robinson talk about: In a world of outright lies.

Lt Gov Mark Robinson

North Carolina’s next Governor, God Willing. President Trump is the Brave Heart of our time because we the right are right. We each must decide where we stand, on the right or the left if freedom is your desire. Freedom is not free.

Seeking Truth

One man cannot change anything because it takes many men. We The People must awaken by becoming educated and the young, vaxxed children cannot do this no more than the old covie cool-aiders. The military is vaxxed, (vexed) the children are vaxxed using fear & mandates.

The bottom line is President Trump and his running mate with the support of the intelligent will make a great team with the support of We The People. Trump is not a normal man; he is genuinely admirable.

Slavesmithing continues as it always has and very few are aware. It’s all demonic like my in-laws suing my mother in law for control of her life and money which they have, by taking full control of her Trust. They place far, far more value on her money than her life and they are filthy rich serving the god of this world, Lucifer…

John 8:32

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