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And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.

Be Prepared

Many families have perverted family members that are severely possessed, lost & confused. Pay close attention. It’s time to repent. Stand up, Speak Loudly because time is short. Share far and wide.

Are you prepared; the majority of family & friends are not. Many live for the job, paycheck, money, property, houses, power & fame, ect., totally unaware of eternity.

Are You There?

One of the most downloaded songs in America is about the book of Revelation. John Rich says he channeled the entire thing from God.

A Dark Train Running

Drag queens, sodomites, trans, perverted psychotics captured the airways for the olympics in the worship of satan while mocking the christian.

End Of The World

Most so called christians obediently keep their moths shut while watching the CV19™ being rolled out, masking up promoting the maskitis disease fully embraced in fear. These are lost souls destined and keenly controlled by fear. Can you say Mark of the Beast? This is just the beginning.

Olympics Of Satan

The prince of the power of the air is just now heating up with those turned over to a reprobate mind so you best buckle up.

Demons & Evil Spirits

Most will die void of all His Wisdom just as many are called yet few are chosen. The road is wide, the gate is narrow and few make proof of their ministry for it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. Angles are real just as evil spirits are real. The enemy is real and present. Are you? More important, does He know you?

What’s Coming?

The King is coming back again; are you ready? Most families & family members are not…

Some years back I was privileged to known Richard Reeves and Ron Wyatt, a nurse anesthetist. When I met Richard, they had just been released by their captives held for ransom. Both were serious men of the one true living God. Because of these men, I held the stones of Sodom & Gomorrah in my hands and watched the footage taken of the chariot wheels on the sea bottom, crossing the Red Sea, in Richards home.

Ron Wyatt & Richard Reeves

John 8:32

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