Join “Man In America” as we dive into insightful analysis and uncovering what the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about Lithium & Genecide.
Like our in-laws who care little for their Mother or the family caring for her, they only care about money, taking her entire Trust Fund for themselves. This government is no different as the country is being destroyed by those in control. Those aware are experiencing weaponized weather, money, food, water, shelter, politics, et al.
Like CV19™ lives continue to be destroyed as the genecide crafted by the elite and the millions being sacrificed. Like the fight with our in-laws, the fight continues with the FED, the ultimate criminals funded by the controlled, compliant, tax payers, funding their own demise.
How did so many smart people get conned by COVID when the data was quite obvious? It all started a century ago, when our education system was hijacked by these oligarchs who replaced critical thinking and deep knowledge with widespread compliance.
How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium – there is a lot more information coming out about the lithium in the region of NC that was devastated and it all smells really bad – 5 min. VIDEO
Evil rules just as Lucifer is the god of this world whom far too many serve like my in-laws living life for money, homes, cars, vacations while shunning their own Mother, having taken all her Trust funds for themselves and refusing to visit or care for their own Mother. It’s always about placing money over family life.
Whatever happened to critical thinking and genuine Godly men & women with the intelligence and backbone to take a stand & speak loudly…
In His Service
John 8:32