Awareness Education Finance Freedom Life Living Free Self Governing Self Supporting Truth

Go Woke & Go Broke

Water is fundamental to life, yet it’s also a scarce commodity. In many cases, greed and mismanagement are causing this life-giving essential to run dry. What happens when water is monetized? Francis August Schaeffer was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He is best known for co-founding the L’Abri community in Switzerland with […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle Technology Truth Technology

People Are The Cure

There is a hatred of, We The People, that exist among the Aristocracy. They are intent on eliminating 7 Billion of us and it’s time to take a stand. Prepare for a systemic breakdown as the population continues to be reduced via an enemy image which is a massive fraud. The narrative has been fabricated. […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life Self Governing Self Supporting Truth

A Marketing Campaign

Optimism has always prevailed along with calling things that are not as though they were. That is Scripture just as “to live is Christ and to die is profit” and we all came to die with or without Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior. Pray for those who live in godless fear without Christ […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life Truth Truth Technology

Sorcery, Witchcraft, Enchantment & Pharmakeia

“…and for by Sorcery, (Pharmakeia, Pharmaceuticals), all nations were deceived.” Revelations 18:23 So now the culling has begun separating the wheat from the tares. Remember, except for the grace of God even the elect shall be deceived. PMS rules, always has, always will. Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely corrupts. Thanks to vaccines; 1 in 4 […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life Truth Technology

Family, Friends & Loved Ones

Please share if you care because this is about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains how the depopulation vaccine will work over the coming months. In other words, the misused and maligned PCR test, which created tens of thousands of false-positive results, is only an “aid to diagnosis” and should […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom Health Life Lifestyle Scripture Self Governing Self Supporting Technology Truth Truth Technology

Status & Standing

The Honorable Anna Von Reitz, David Straight and Eric Jon Phelps have dedicated their lives to truth and the freeing of all Americans. There is a vast difference between an American and a US Citizen and it’s imperative you know and understand the difference. That’s why correction of Status & Standing is necessary for every […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom Health Life Lifestyle Technology Truth Technology

USA Funded Virus Research

USA Funded Virus Research And Used Outbreak Against Its Citizens. While the outrageously conflicted investigative commission put together by the World Health Organization has dismissed the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 being a lab-leaked virus, deciding to pursue the imported frozen food theory instead,1,2,3 the lab-origin story refuses to die, and for good reason. There’s just too much […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom Living Free Self Governing Self Supporting Truth Technology

Land Patents

If you don’t own & control property, then you are property. Ron Gibson is the best at Land Patents. You may want to check out his books. If you want to bring your Land Patent Forward…\ Ron Gibson describes Land Patents, Part I Ron Gibson on Land Patents, Part II

Awareness Education Freedom Life Motivation Scripture Truth

C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis wrote these words in his book “The Screwtape Letters” nearly 79 years ago. ′′One young devil asked the old man: “How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?” The old devil answered: “I instilled fear in them!” Answers the youngster: “Great job! And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?” […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Technology Truth

Engineered Extermination

To understand why the globalists are actively working to exterminate the entire human race, you have to first understand their plans for themselves. They believe in transhumanism and think they’re going to transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life by “uploading” their consciousness into machines. Once they are in the machines, they believe, they will […]