Awareness Education Freedom

“World Economic Forum”

In this, our fourth episode of the “Ideas Have Consequences” podcast, author and host Larry Alex Taunton cuts through the conspiracy theories and the WEF’s noble slogans to explain the history of this sinister organization and the anti-human ideas driving it. Taunton, who attended the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland as a kind of […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Trace Amounts”

For decades, millions of intelligent & wise parents have avoided allowing children to take any vaccines causing long term medical effects to include death upon injection. Daily, compliant naïve fearful parents trust doctors. Maybe it’s time to awaken to the fact that doctors make money off sickness which big pharma creates because it’s always about […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Vaxxed I & II”

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a 2016 American pseudoscience propaganda film[1]: 1 [2]: 1 [3] alleging a cover-up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of a purported link between the MMR vaccine and autism.[4][5][6] According to Variety, the film “purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“TipToe To Tyranny”

TipToe To Tyranny is a series by Award Winning Filmmaker, Chris Harrigan, that begins pre-pandemic and takes the viewer all the way to the Canadian Freedom Convoy and covers everything in between. From mandates to lockdowns, along with the people pushing back, this filmmaker found himself in the middle of all of it, every step of […]

Awareness Education Lifestyle

“The Children Of Satan”

The children of Satan are the children of darkness Archbishop warned about in his open letter to President Donald J Trump. Every abomination under the sun can be attributed to this bloodline, as direct line to you-know-who. Dustin Nemos joins me to discuss this horrifying information which explains a lot. See the research for yourself […]


“The World Oligarch System”

What everyone needs to know concerning the United Nations. What will you do and who will you tell? To do nothing is serving the dark side. The United Nations is the platform for the Oligarch’s to control the world and they are extremely effective at what they do gathering once a year at Davos to […]

Education Freedom Health

“The Pandemic Accord Is Effective”

The World Health Organization has called for a “simulation” of another global pandemic so it can be assured that the totalitarian control mechanisms built into its pandemic accord are effective against the slave class. This reeks of the Event 201 simulation that occurred on October 18th, 2019, oddly not long before COVID-19™ became a pandemic. […]

Awareness Education Freedom

Murder Most Foul

Is an exceptional song by Bob Dylan exposing the assassination of JFK by those trusted to do what is right. The same is true for CV19™ where billions have been made at the expense of the naïve, trusting, compliant masses, embracing junk science. Some things simply never change as the culling/genecide continues with the full […]

Awareness Education Freedom Truth

Schools Are Factories

Why the masses don’t understand money and law? Could it be the first 12 years were spent being programed for the system which is clearly failing, resulting in a psychotic, compliant, tax filing wage slave? CV19™ was noting more than a litmus test for the enslavement and culling of the masses. Just wait for the […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Great Awakening”

“The most effective way to destroy people, is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” George Orwell How do the masses destroy themselves? Are they hypnotized? Please consider the state and fate of America as volunteers continue to accept the CV19™ injections, variants & boosters turning themselves into mindless, compliant, obedient droids. […]