Awareness Education Freedom

“Possible Solutions To Remove Nanocircuitry”

Covid is a business just as the CDC is a privately owned for profit corporation. CV19™ is ramping up with greater promotion of fear driven pandemics in order to fulfill the agenda of Fauci, Gates, Soros, Klaus Schwab genecide. There may be hope for those who fearfully fell for the bio-weapon injections. As the EMF’s […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Transformation Of America”

This is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O’Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation. … Like those that volunteered for the CV19™ snakebite; mass programming is most effective. The next event will prove the absolute inability of […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Law”

In The Law, Bastiat wrote that “each of us has a natural right – from God – to defend his person, his liberty, and his property.” He described the State as a “substitution of a common force for individual forces” to defend this right. He contended that law becomes perverted when it is used to violate the rights of the individual, […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”

This book will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. You have been lied too since your day of birth and very few awaken to truth resulting in the people of the lie. Very few can handle the truth. Only those chosen can live the truth. You choose to awaken or remain […]

Awareness Life

“Maui Massacre”

United States Marines in Maui have seen firsthand atrocities committed by the Deep State—bloated, bullet-riddled bodies floating facedown in a crimson tide; Hawaii National Guardsmen rummaging through the pockets of dead islanders and tourists; FEMA and the Red Cross forbidding citizens access to nearby food, water, and shelter. United States Marines in Maui have seen […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom

“Tyranny & Treason”

The brilliant & honorable Ann Vandersteel joins Mike Adams to expose government TYRANNY & TREASON against the people as FEMA orders COVER-UP of Lahaina, Maui, death and destruction. Burning children alive while shutting off the water, cell service & electric service, while blocking all exits from the fire started by mountain DEW, the CCP & […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Art Of The Lie”

Prepare for Covid 2.0 and embrace your fears. WEF will be knocking on your door soon. “Be Prepared” has always been the Boy Scout Motto. Are you prepared? Pay close attention. Do Not Comply with covid (CV19™) tyranny if you wish to live. Have you seen Plandemic I & Plandemic II? Maybe it’s time to […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Living A Life Of Lies”

People of the lie, live a life of lies. As newborns they are fully vaxxed by well meaning parents causing a lifetime of longterm medical effects prior death; sometime resulting in SID’s. Similar to the sheep volunteering for the snake bite, (CV19™) resulting in SADS. Later they are thrust into government schools, where the programming […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Human Experiment”

Chad Wright, a Navy SEAL for some years sharing intelligent truth to those wise enough to listen. There may be some wise enough to take a stand and if not kiss America goodby along with your children… Enough Said… Are you a free man/woman? They’re taking away a little at a time and the University […]


“Scorched Earth Campaign”

Kerry Cassidy discusses the 14th conversation concerning the directed energy weapon deployment in Maui, widespread alien incursion, and how the Peruvian alien attacks are serving as a beta test for Project Bluebeam! Do your own research The CCP are working closely with the Biden regime and the Rhino governors to totally destroy America. This is […]