Awareness Education Freedom

“Autism Caused By Vaccines”

The most common trigger for autism is childhood vaccinations. Here’s how vaccines cause autism. Childhood vaccines cause longterm medical effects along with a lifetime of learning disabilities all by design. Likewise the CV19™ vaccine is solely designed for a large variety of medical issues & death. The entire program is about profits while reducing the […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Machine Gun Preacher”

Sam Childers is a former drug-dealing biker, a tough guy who found God and became a crusader for hundreds of Sudanese children, who’ve been forced to become soldiers. Sam Childers (Gerard Butler), a former biker, decides to go to East Africa to help repair homes destroyed by civil war. Transformed by the horrors he sees, […]

Awareness Education Freedom

Are Federal Taxes Actually Mandatory? 

America is known as the Land of the Free & home of the Brave when in reality; America is home of the meek & land of the indentured slaves. The masses think they owe allegiance to the IRS which stands for ‘Its really Satan’. The IRS is the most LBGTQ Woke organization in existence. Only […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Discovery In Unvaxxed”

Man’s voluntary acceptance of the CV19™ injection produced billions for a vast number of investors, who’s god is money. The naïve continue to drink the kool-aid without thought or research. Junk science leads the way and few critically think. They are the sheep and everyone will pay the piper because our enemy is ignorance and […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Universal Antidote”

Mankind’s God given immune system at birth is state of the art. Naïve parents falsely believe a newborn child needs a vast array of vaccines, making billions for the industry and ultimately destroying said child’s health through long term medical effects. The Universal Antidote Documentary discusses the science and story of Chlorine Dioxide. NASA proclaimed […]

Awareness Education Finance

“Futures In Plain Sight”

Agenda 2030 is very real and those with eyes to see, can clearly see. They are the most blessed when they take the stand for truth, His Truth, Spiritually, Physically, Financially, Mentally & Emotionally which comprises what Scripture refers to as a whole man & woman. The genuine men and women are standing up not […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Making A Killing”

Mike Adams is one of the great hero’s of the day with his daily broadcast of truth. How many understand what the Ukraine War is really about? How many are willing to do the research and take a stand for truth? For every leader there are 10,000 leaners. Are you a leader or a leaner? […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Living In Two Realities”

Few understand the reality of what Max is sharing because of the comfort of the daily mind-wash from cradle to grave. The school system coupled with government has done an amazing job on the masses as exhibited by CV19™ and the millions of naïve volunteers. Max Igan’s wisdom from 2014 is still relevant today regarding […]