Awareness Education Freedom

“The Sabbath Issue”

The Superiority of Christ is the best 4 part series preached by John Weaver on the issues concerning the Sabbath. Shabbat or the Sabbath, also called Shabbos by Ashkenazim, is Judaism’s day of rest on the seventh day of the week. Pay close attention if anyone desires clarity concerning keeping of the Sabbath. Keeping […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Social Engineering, School Psychology & Mind Control”

Naïve parents continue to job their children out to continuously be programmed through government schools & universities destroying any and all fabric of critical, creative thinking leading to fully programmed wageslaves taught to pay their fair share. After 75 vaccines including CV19™, said child is forever damaged to include CV40 which Jonas Salk laced in […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Warning For Humanity”

The war mongers hunger for the blood of vengeance, manipulated into repeating the sins of their fathers and their father before them. Hungry for war knowing not what hell it will bring back upon them. Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report with a warning for humanity: Return to your senses, seek not revenge, or be […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Trafficking The Souls Of Men”

Come out of her my people. Who are His people? The SS number makes those enslaved in a debtors prison a commodity and few there go that understand. Slavery is illegal but voluntary slavery is not. All of this just to come to Revelation 18. How have you structured your life and how are you […]

Awareness Freedom Life

“Weapons We Can’t See”

Eric with FireMedic8 Interviews Nathan Reynolds. Where do the Dragon cults come from and how do they operate today? Why do they have a need for human sacrifice, transformation and torment? The true nature of the world is beyond our imagination. Do you understand synthetic biology concerning threads that are in us that should not […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Den Of Thieves”

Too many hide behind their jobs, their money, their Phd’s, ultimately compromising all values of integrity, principle while wearing mask of pure fraud operating within a circle of secrecy. They enable systems of seduction. They are the agents of compromise. They divide the world with lust, possessions, cars, so called education, thus signing away your […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Shattered Mind”

Israel turned its back on God, denying Jesus Christ Yashua, took the CV19™ and allowed confiscation of all guns while supporting a Libtard regime. Remind you of the woke in America. Maybe you can figure the rest of the story. A fearful CV19™ godless, fearful people will always suffer the dark side temporally & eternally. […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Greatest Show On Earth”

Awakening each morning is a joy for those who intimately know Jesus Christ and serve Him completely by serving others while pointing them to the cross of Yahshua, the only genuine life ever known. If you love God & Country, loudly speak the truth and do it for the future of the children. Yes, you […]


“State Sponsored Secrecy”

Cowardliness & compromise is the currency of the kingdom of darkness as exhibited with CV19™. Learn the secrets of the Illuminati, Rothschilds, Duponts, Bushes, Rockafellows and Reynolds. Visit Snatched From The Flames for more information. Learn how to set the captives free. There is nothing that can stop you except your willingness to shove your […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Looting The World”

“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick […]