Awareness Education Freedom

“Smart Cities For Dumb People”

Welcome to the new world where you will own nothing and be happy when in reality you already own nothing and most are sick, confused, broke, in-debt and cluelessly miserable. Free speech is being destroyed as the woke continue to enforce their own demise. The rhino christian republican continues their own destruction through humanism. Newborn […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health

“Demons Of The Vax”

The butchers of humanity are alive & well as they continue with crimes against humanity. This genecide is the intent of the Corporatocracy. These bioweapons are masquerading as vaccines allowing control from the inside. The nanotechnology is taking over the body creating total mind control with the aid of AI harvesting our own current. The […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Prepare For Change”

World leaders are breaking down and admitting what many of us have known for years – the global elite, in cahoots with Big Pharma, were responsible for the most heinous crime against humanity in the history of humankind when they mandated Covid vaccines and destroyed the health of millions of people in the process. Amid […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Corporatocracy Gaslighting America”

The state of the nation represents the failing of the corporate church, education, politics and government we once enjoyed, where, “We The People” were in charge. What happened? “We the people” started jobbing out our children to government institutions after vaxing our newborns, creating a very damaged society void of all critical thinking. Job stands […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health

“Devil In The Water”

Francis A. Schaeffer, years ago wrote how they would use municipal water supply systems with around 150 chemicals to dumb down the populas for control, obedience & culling. As Rockefeller once stated: I don’t want a population of thinkers but a population of workers; carefully programmed, tax filing wageslaves. Remember, the Georgia Guidestones and the […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Independence Day”

Independence Day, known colloquially as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States which commemorates the ratification of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America. Today, as millions of illegals invade America, land of the free, home of the […]

Awareness Education Freedom Truth Technology

“The Zombie Apocalypse”

Have you noticed the state of fear the general population lives in daily and how gene editing could easily be used against us? Most people are waiting for the next shoe to drop. People smile very little, laugh even less and get highly upset over trivial matters. Fear has been skillfully used to transform mankind, […]