
“Keeping Everyone Sick”

It’s always about the money and Big Pharma produces billions through the CDC that they control. John 8:32


“WHO Declares Moneypox A Global Threat…Or Something”

It’s now called by the shorter name, Mpox. Soon to be Pox. Then Ox. Then X. It’s another virus which, like all viruses, doesn’t exist. Because no one has ever isolated a virus or the flu virus, better known as CV19™. No problem: the World Health Organization plunges ahead anyway. The WHO always does because […]


“Rise Above Archaix”

The masses have no idea what is taking place as they continue to be easily led while refusing to take responsibility for their own actions while feeding off the tit of their government that no longer exist and has not for so long. Todays corportacracy exist for one purpose which is your voluntary elimination. Newborn […]


“Nonconformity Cures A Sick Society”

As witnessed by the voluntary acceptance of CV19™ bioweapon injected into billions of naïve conformist, society is slowly dying. Slavesmithing has always been the goal as critical thinking has been systematically destroyed through government schools, enforcing indoctrination and not education. True education has not existed for many years, all by design. Rockefeller said I don’t […]


“The Church Has Fallen”

“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth” Revelation 11:18 […]


“The Tartarian Empire”

We The People have been lied to since birth, from cradle to grave. The youth indoctrination centers have succeeded beyond expectation. The military, medical, pharmaceutical, economic, financial, political, judicial industrial complex has successfully created the illusion of a democracy. We now have a Corporatocracy in full control, never a republic which we’ve been unable to […]


“For Love Of Family”

There is a very thin line between life & death. It is best to be prepared for both. A wise lawyer and good friend once shared this so live this way. Faith alone holds your future through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Do you know Him and are you living for Him? The angle […]



Eddie Penney joins the Shawn Ryan Show to give you his firsthand account of once being scared of Jesus, what he referred to as the boogeyman, to becoming a true warrior of Christ. Eddie served as a United States Marine to later becoming a U.S. Navy SEAL and joining the Elite SEAL Team 6. Eddie […]


“Strategic Relocation”

An old friend once shared; one day we may have to flee to the mountains and by Father’s grace, we did. You may find this an interesting read. Escape the city if at all possible and live a much slower, healthier lifestyle, embracing clean water, air & food. Enjoy… You may also want to […]


“Food Inflation”

Are you prepared for the next plandemic, vaccine, booster & the adulteration of America’s food supply? Are you prepared for anything? What will you volunteer for next? Are you one of the woke, vaxxed, injected, libtard, fear driven confused souls? Are you aware hospitals were paid to stay empty? Today, they are doubling in size […]