
“The Transhumanism Agenda”

Delve into the fascinating and often controversial world of transhumanism with renowned expert Dr. Edward Group. Join us as we explore the potential of human enhancement through technology, the ethical dilemmas it poses, and the profound ways it could reshape our future. Dr. Group shares his insights on how transhumanism intersects with health, longevity, and […]


“Do This Now To Save Your Vision”

Learn what is causing the exponential increase in macular degeneration and how to prevent it from happening to you or halt the progression if you are already diagnosed and potentially reverse early and moderate disease stages. Learn what is beyond doubt, the definitive trigger to massive destruction to our eyes and our health overall. You […]


“Abortion & The Vaccine Industry”

DEVASTATING truth about the SATANIC partnership between the ABORTION VACCINE Industries & the masses are clueless as billions are daily sacrificed and marked for extermination. It’s a satanic agenda serving an Anti-Christ system producing Billions. It’s always done for money and clearly marked by Satan. The hospital has become Satan’s tabernacle just as the nursing […]


“The Bleeding Edge”

This eye-opening look at the fast-growing medical device industry reveals how the rush to innovate can lead to devastating consequences for patients. But who cares as long is money is being made. CV19™ is a prime example as a bioweapon produced by the bioweaponeers producing billions for those invested. An excellent genecide. Watch on Netflix […]


“The Invisible War”

An investigative documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military. The greatest advise my Father, a Captain with the SEAL Teams, 32 years reserve shared, do not go into the military. The vaccines killed my father with the help of the bioweapons and the bioweaponeers at a very young age. He […]


“Be Prepared”

The Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared” is not just something special we all learned in the Scouts, it’s a way of life we embrace. On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; […]


“Fundamental Behavior Manipulation”

Dr. David Martin, PhD., is an expert in a wide range of scientific, historical and other forensic areas of study, he never fails to deliver eye-opening revelations of the well-orchestrated maneuvering which has occurred over the last decades between military groups, big pharma, world governments and clandestine cabals, all of which have created these chaotic […]