
“The Poisoned Needle”

“The Poisoned Needle” is the 1st book in the “History of Vaccination” series. The Poisoned Needle exposes suppressed facts about vaccinations. The 25 books in the “History of Vaccination” series shed light on the history of vaccines through the eyes of doctors, scientists, and historical data. They answer the pressing question, “Are vaccines safe and […]


“The Quid Pro Quo” 

Americans came frightfully close to loosing all life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness through the evil controlling the world today with the support of Joe Dementia and Harris Marxism controlled by the controllers. Too many Americans have been misinformed & duped into taking the Bioweapon for and all for money, job & lies. […]


“A New World Approaches”

“It isn’t the rebels who create the toubles of the world, it’s the troubles who create the rebels.” Sadly most Americans and christians are supporting this genecide along with accepting the CV19™ bioweapon with 74 new variants on the way for all volunteers. Paid for by your local politician and tax filing American. This genecide […]


 “Venom in the Vax”

Learn the truth you are not susposed to know and share far and wide for family, friends, God & Country. Remdesivir stands for run death is near. Families unaware are allowing this drug daily for family members worldwide as in our own family by intellectual, godless, vaxxed, lost libtard, wealthy individuals. The wisdom of the […]


“Israel Calls Christians Useful Idiots”

Steven and Jana Ben-Nun reveal the shocking truths about Israel’s APARTHEID STATE structure and NOAHIDE laws planned for the USA. The church today is a corporate run, corporate controlled business for the corporate citizen. A corporate citizen is any numbered individual as described in Scripture. Like so many Americans falling for the CV19™ bioweapon injection […]


“Truth Be Banned”

Jesus Christ is the reason for the Christmas Season and few today accept or realize this Truth. Even fewer take a stand for the living Savior. Are you ready and willing to take a stand? Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss the coming STAGED PLANDEMIC and the total fraud of virology and PCR “positives” […]


“How They Use Your Energy”

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe From childhood to adulthood, your subconscious has been hijacked by them, shaping your reality for their gain. But the truth is, you can take back control. In this eye-opening video, we’ll uncover the hidden tactics used to manipulate […]



Senator Mark Finchem joins the program in Part 1 to discuss the money laundering and trafficking ring that has taken control of Arizona. It has corrupted the state’s politics from the inside out resulting in unfathomable corruption affecting people throughout the country. Finchem explains what him, Shawn Taylor and others are doing to expose and […]


“Vaccines Causing Lobotomies”

Vaccines cause lobotomies just as “Evil Never Sleeps”. Over 20 serious medical issues are the result of CV19™ vaccines known as bioweapons fulfilling today’s genecide. Newborns receive just under 100 vaccines by the age of 18 destroying all critical thinking. Coupled with 12 years of indoctrination, the goal of the elite is easily reached and […]


“A Personal Announcement”

As an American we’ve always stood against the killing of Americans and the trafficking, rape, torture of any man, woman or child. A personal announcement from Candace Owens. This needs to be viewed by every man, woman & child. Understand who runs America and controls the world. Why do most American’s support death, abortion, sodomy, […]