
“Staged Plandemics”

Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss the coming STAGED PLANDEMIC and the total fraud of virology and PCR “positives” Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test shared CV19™ could not be proven or identified with his test. Not long after sharing this publicly, he was found dead. The flu virus has never been identified! […]



Roger Ver is facing life in prison for revealing how the US government worked secretly to subvert cryptocurrency and prevent economic freedom. More people should hear this story. Around 20 million Americans own crypto and the number is far larger worldwide. Some countries have fully embraced crypto instead of fiat. The masses don’t understand money […]


“What Is A Doctor”

What is a Doctor? Decades ago, doctors were truth tellers often freely helping folks. Doctors today have a financial interest in keeping patients ill and drugs are the solution. A sick patient is a great revenue stream. A healed patient is a financial loss. Today, the disturbing agenda behind the Medical Mutilation, Pharmaceutical Industry and […]


“Biohacking Humanity”

Anyone who studies life closely, clearly knows Scripture is real just as genecidal bioweapons, continue to actively occur, compliments of the military industrial complex, pharmaceutical vaccine industry, making trillions annually. All of life for most, embrace the bottom line. Let’s talk about Decentralized Medicine. Far too many known & unknown rely on the cut, burn, […]


“The Future Is Here”

“It isn’t the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it’s the troubles who create the rebels.” Rebels, Whistleblowers, Truthers are necessary for life, liberty, property & the pursuit of happiness. Stop indoctrination and only educate. Stop slavery, make America Great & Healthy. Don’t lobotomize your newborn children, conditioning them for the workforce, controllable […]


“The Lawfare Playbook”

Freedom is not free and must be fought for as witnessed by President Donald John Trump of the US Corporation as Alex Jones and Elon Musk has and is experiencing. Fighting for freedom is always dangerous resulting in few taking a stand. It’s great to make money however it’s greater to tell the Truth just […]


“Fight Climate Change”

John Kerry calls for the depopulation of billions to fight climate change. He then shared human beings are the plague of this planet. Kerry, in step with the Georgia Guidestones agree the world population needs to be reduced to a manageable 500,000,000 and vaccines are the perfect weapon starting with newborns as spoken by Bill […]


“Yesterday, Today & Forever”

Meet Susan Perlman, a trailblazer for the gospel and co-founder of Jews for Jesus. Raised in a traditional Jewish home, Susan encountered life’s biggest questions early, especially after losing her father. When she asked her rabbi if her father was in heaven, the lack of an answer left her searching for something deeper. During the […]