Repost of of a live stream from OAN. America’s Frontline Doctors speak out on misinformation surrounding the coronavirus – Oct 17,2020, Wash DC also posted on my Odysee channel
Just because you believe something to be true does not make it true. Holding a cloth up to your face stops nothing. A virus is 1000 times smaller than a hair; please stop being fooled and stop promoting the foolery with the mask. Stop the lies of fear, panic and lockdowns.
Stop the insanity that continues to destroy society including millions of lives daily. Please wake up for the sake of those you love and care for. This lockdown has been a lie from the beginning; it’s science fiction.
This fear riddled plandemic is over. Stop the people of the lie which is driven with fear and ignorance. Stop fear and loathing. Mask do not control viruses. The very best mask cannot protect anyone from a virus. You can’t mask that away.
Society is creating a generation of fear especially among the children. This is Gorge Orwell’s boot on the face of all humanity. Please wake up for the children’s future. This is upside down medicine. The data is clear. The fear of covie is causing more deaths than the virus itself. Those promoting the fear are making Billions. Do not allow fear to take your freedom.
The media has lied and people have died. Stop walking in fear. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. American’s have become infected with a fear of mask wearing psychosis. Stop mask myths and stop living in fear.
Reject the mask and the lies because fear isn’t virtuous. Stop the propaganda and corruption. Act in the face of fear and take back our country.
It is irrelevant what the talking heads of media say. Take a stand for truth and stop living the lie. This is everyones moral obligation. Only you can stop this evil propaganda.
“Study to show thyself approved a workman of God not being ashamed but rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”