“Be Prepared” is the famous Boy Scout motto which many learned as youth. Father always taught the importance of being prepared and few are today resulting in the current State of the Nation. Even fewer understand law and money or who they really are in Christ much less in the world. Think, anything with a number is a corporation. In law, that’s a fiction; that’s another subject.
The first 32 years life was lived without Christ otherwise known as a full blown pagan seeking all the world had to offer. The only relations embraced were those of vast wealth while climbing the corporate ladder. Lear jets and ranches were the ultimate goal and once achieved the emptiness was chartless. There was always a faster car, a richer woman, more beautiful and desirable, a greater estate, a larger home place.
Having always been a truther and hungry for more, knowing more was never enough, the pursuit had no end in sight. At 32 Jesus Christ graciously materialized and the awakening exploded with life on steroids. Everything changed, as I divested all I had attained. Ten years abroad as a medical missionary and evangelist traveling the world was life changing. Nothing would ever be the same as we all came to die. Dying is a daily activity just as to live is Christ and to die is profit.
How is it possible to fully live life without Christ Jesus? His wisdom alone is the ultimate guide. Without Him, life is lived adrift on the seas of commerce sailing without rudder or any direction. Man’s wisdom pales in comparison. Humanism comes to mind. Today, the masses are totally adrift on the seas of commerce living for themselves, without moorings or foundation. Many are highly educated with the finer things in life, yet totally without Christ, void of His written word.
In light of eternity life is very short just as narrow is the gate and wide the road. Pray the gate is found for that is the only entrance to our Abba Father. How can life be fully lived without Jesus Christ, it can’t. Without Christ the walking dead, droids, zombies continue onward headed for a dismal eternity. It has been said hell is the absence of logic exhibited by many today. Eternal hell is the absence of Christ Jesus internalized and personal.
It appears Americans have fallen prey to an overwhelming darkness due to a host of wrongly placed values. Eugenics and depopulation have always been the agenda just as vaccines have always been key creating longterm medical effects and death. The world has always been run by luciferian eugenists. Those living seduced by godless fear will always circum to fear and suffering. The masses will always be blinded by science totally void of faith or any true science. The masses operate empirically on the way to deaths door.
Few are prepared for the future in America. With food prices soaring, power outages, bad water & air, few are able to live grid free. Get children out of the government schools, stop injecting children & adults with toxins. wake up and take responsibility. The masses are closely tied to the grid unable to live freely. Attend to what’s important by securing your place eternally through the shed blood of Jesus Christ for He alone is our only hope.
We, His people are created for His pleasure alone. Isn’t it time to live life to the fullest and to His glory? There is no other way to fully live. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. Become a fruit inspector that He may be glorified.
Come out of her my people. Walk by faith, not by sight. Just as time is freedom, life in Christ Jesus is eternal. Do you understand, to live is Christ, to die is profit? It always about His will, not our own. Are you Prepared?
John 8;32