Cancer is a Fungus- A Revolution in Tumor Therapy by Dr. T. Simoncini published in 2007 is a scarce book on revolutionary cancer treatment. This book is 245 pages in length. “On the basis of the scientific considerations in this book which demonstrate that cancer is caused by fungal masses (of the Candida type), sodium bicarbonate […]
Category: Awareness
Lucifer, the fallen Angel, is a Biblical story that fascinates both Christian and unbeliever, but did you know Lucifer is here working on earth today so let me prove it to you! How Lucifer became Satan is a Christian Video by Joe Kirby from Off The Kirb Ministries. If you find Off The Kirb Ministries […]
Navy SEAL Chadd Wright has a great mind and excellent perspective on life and completing SEAL training is the most incredible training worldwide. Like all SEAL’s taking many vaccines while in service which are designed to kill once the man is fully used up. Father, a high ranking SEAL died early due to vaccines causing […]
Here’s what all vaccines do to your body which is how doctors make money creating long term medical effects while enriching both the Pharmaceutical & Medical Industrial Complex. Critical thinking required. Do you really know what happens inside your body when you roll up your sleeve to get a shot – whether it’s a CV19™ […]
Information is power just as knowledge is power. Information is a weapon and unfortunately like CV19™, disinformation is also a weapon which far too many woke, have embraced, fully supporting the agenda of the Georgia Guidestones, recently destroyed. Wonder why? Today, few can handle the truth, much less stand in support of truth. Being the […]
Dr. David Martin reveals how global drug cartels control our military, governments & world and few seem to care much less take action. America has evolved from a once highly prized Republic into a Corportacracy without a whimper controlled by the Military, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Political, Institutional, Religious, Financial Industrial Complex. Fear leads the way for […]
We have known the cure for cancer for decades however cancer is a tremendous business for the medical/pharmaceutical complex and the truth must not be known due to the profitability of the industry. Like CV19™ and the pharmaceutical industry producing vaccines, millions continue their struggle with life. As Yuval Noah Harari said; human beings are […]
Fear has always been the greatest motivation for the average fear ridden man, woman & child. Children are always the greatest victims between the vaccine industry and government schools where the program is set for life, thus destroying all critical, creative thinking. NEZNATION LIVE with Professor Nez: A thought-provoking podcast that dives deep into the […]
Rockefeller Medicine has completed over 100+ years of exterminating humans in the name of “science” as the university schooled continue to buy into junk science as evidenced by newborn vaccines, creating longterm medical effects & CV19™. The goal of medicine is repeat customers & profit, creating pain and suffering through fear which is an exceptional […]
Most won’t or refuse to do what they need to do and should do. Many accept Christ just to make their ride a bit smoother through life while allowing a place to hide which they do quite well. Through the careful employment of fear, CV19™ is a great example where fear was used to voluntarily […]