Former SEAL Team 6 Operator interviews Juan O’Savin concerning the future of America and the swearing in of Biden. If Biden is sworn in, it will be the defacto US Corporation. Many will be visiting GITMO or one of the many FEMA Camps. Sit back and enjoy the show. Justice is on the way. The […]
Category: Awareness!:d Take a few minutes and listen to this intelligent medical doctor as many are taking a stand for truth and American families. May want to listen to medical Dr. Buttar of North Carolina. Those promoting the fear are making Billions as the less intelligent fully comply. There have been far more suicides among the […]
President’s Trump’s accomplishment as provided at the White House website and in the attached PDF Mike Adams ~ Health Ranger Report: Big Tech and Leftists DECLARE WAR on conservative America I Mike Adams ~ The Health Ranger Report: Big Tech and Leftists DECLARE WAR on conservative America II Donald J Trump in […]
Lin Wood shares why NOW is time to shine a light of truth on Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Stephen Breyer, Joe Biden, Obama, Clintons, Bill Gates, Mike Pence, Mark Meadows, Pat Cippoloni, President H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush & George Soros. If only American’s could awaken to the reality of money and law. Most […]
Catherine Austin Fitts (born 24 December 1950) is an American investment banker and former public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and as United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush. She has widely written and commented on the subject of public spending and has alleged several large scale instances […],-Empty-Hospitals-and-Tik-Tok-Nurses:8 Many folks I know and some personally are sharing how they’ve taken the covie vax and they say it with pride. The majority are medical doctors required to take the vax if they maintain their current profession. Personally, I would find another profession or correct status and standing and once corrected, continue the work. […]
Americans must awaken to the damage and death that is being injected into every living man, woman and child, mentally and physically. Today’s masked populous is being destroyed through this scamdemic as planned, according to the Georgia Guidestones erected many years ago down in South Georgia. Real pandemics don’t rely on faulty prediction models, biased […]
The truth about vaccines. Please share so the world can wake up. They hide videos like these for a reason, they do not want you to know what vaccines are doing to your health and your children’s health. Please SHARE! This is bad however the covie kool-aid swab and vaccine is entering the world of […]
Over the Holidays take time to awaken the sheep and don’t touch anything Bill Gates is involved in. It is said the vaccine is a Hydro Gel, Nano Tech, RFID Tagged cocktail that will wrap your DNA for later use; creating a new Transhuman for exploitation, control and use. Note, there will be a series […]
Attorney L. Lin Wood sits down for an exclusive interview with Joshua Philipp on the 2020 US presidential elections, the possibility of martial law, the Georgia Senate runoff, China’s infiltration of America, and why he fights for the truth. Over the Holidays consider what your part will be in supporting America. America needs more real […]