Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“Rumors Of War & Famine”

You will live in your rented dog box eating bugs with 7 other people, while waiting for your social credit score tracking how much meat you are allowed each week & if you meet your individual climate goals. Maybe it’s time to move, leave, escape the woke living in Libtardville or not. Remember, the Georgia […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“Gene Editing Injections”

The only reason man was created was & is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ; none other. Sadly, most live and work for the material world void of how our Abba Father desires to care for each of us. Those called know this for fact. Are you called or are you living and working for […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Demolition Of America”

Demoralization, Hyperinflation, Cicada Plagues, Famines, War and Controlled Demolition of the American Empire. It’s all just a big war, food, health, climate, and money scam and people live under the illusion that voting for the One World Uniparty will fix it all. As money continues to become worthless, which few understand, is not real money. […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Socialized Hellcare”

Satan has already returned to Earth and is walking the streets of Castreau’s Kanazuela and the United States of Rain Tax and Woketards Visibility as the arrival of the Antichrist draws near. This talk will be hard for many to watch simply because so many hate the truth due to mass hypnosis & wokeness. The […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Covid Psyop Exposed”

There is nothing better than massive mind control so please take your booster every 6 to 12 months going forward. Very few of the criminals were called to Capital Hill for questions, while giving more testimony with no accountability, so what’s new. What kind of morons are running this Asylum? No one at the top […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Truth Technology

“Know Thyself”

There is a battle playing out for our very humanness setting the context for every event unfolding in our world. This movement is to replace our bodies with synthetics, sensors under the skin, chemicals in the blood, chips in the brain, AI, steeling from us our ability to access this part of us that is […]

Awareness Education Health

“Future Science”

There is a vast difference between true science and junk science as exhibited with the CV19™ agenda. Sadly, few are able to discern the difference. Covid was a mandated venture, not law, compliant with the Georgia Guidestones explained by Klaus Schwab & Bill Gates. Sadly, few pay attention, buying into the agenda designed for programming […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom

“Old School Country Folk”

Here is a good tip for those who can still think, critically think that is. All the non playable characters, NPC’s, need not bother becasue they could not recognize the truth if it hit them head on. These NPC’s go throuh life never seeing what’s in front of them, all the while claiming to be […]

Awareness Education Truth

“Who Is Israel”

As many Americans wallow in a continuing state of confusion few truly care about the murder of women, men and children. The sixth commandment forbids direct and intentional killing as gravely sinful. The murderer and those who cooperate voluntarily in murder commit a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance. Out of site, out […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Magic Of Motherhood”

The Treasure that is women. We live in a confused society where men are no longer men and so on. The public/government school system like the industrial church has done its job creating this out of balance society otherwise known as a Corportacracy. Like the Military Industrial Complex, Medical Industrial Complex, Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, the […]