Awareness Education Freedom

“Donald Trump The Convicted Felon”

If you oppose the agenda and the powers that be you like Trump will be grave danger. The laws are so convoluted we could be tried on a variety of lies and few are willing to take a stand due to rhino christians & broke-back limpwristed attitudes. The useful idiot is taking a stand like […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“The Medical Rebel”

Few Christians are aware or concerned about the billion dollar sex trafficking industry which is happening in much of America. Very few doctors are bold enough to speak the truth concerning the Industrial Medical, Pharmaceutical Complex including their agenda of genecide effecting every family paying attention. Stop allowing your children to be educated by the […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“It’s Psyop Gay Pride Propaganda Season”

Can you believe it’s Gay Pride psyop season again? Do you have your Star of Moloch Support Israhell decorations? The sheep continue to ban, shun, harass, condemn, slander & kill all truthers in the name of love, peace & harmony. This is a hard song to listen too, yet the rhino christians and naive intellectual […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“War In America”

Are you prepared for this and what are you going to do about it? A war has come to the United States and it will happen in months not years. JJ Carrell a 24 year veteran of the Customs and Border Protection has uncovered the truth of what’s happening with Biden’s border invasion. He explains […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“We’re Paid To Vax Children”

When will parents awaken to the planned agenda to create long term medical effects for the Medical Industrial Complex to make a living off the diseased and sickly children into adulthood until death. Being the son of a Captain with the SEAL Teams who died at a very young age due to the many vaccines […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Freedom Solutions & Stopping Extortion” 

It is a simple path so correct your paperwork while ceasing the support of the pedophiles in DC, what some call the District of Criminals, bought & paid for. Always support and enforce the law but first you must know the law. There are federal citizens which owe a tax; there of state citizens which […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Globalist Warlords & Vaccine Genocide”

America simply has too many fear driven, compliant, obedient, controlled, tax filing, vaxxed, highly educated academics. We are funding our own demise along with anyone Speaking Loudly who is quickly removed. How easily we buy junk science while supporting our own demise with the aid of baby vaccines, public schools & universities. It’s incredibly amazing […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“Rumors Of War & Famine”

You will live in your rented dog box eating bugs with 7 other people, while waiting for your social credit score tracking how much meat you are allowed each week & if you meet your individual climate goals. Maybe it’s time to move, leave, escape the woke living in Libtardville or not. Remember, the Georgia […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“Gene Editing Injections”

The only reason man was created was & is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ; none other. Sadly, most live and work for the material world void of how our Abba Father desires to care for each of us. Those called know this for fact. Are you called or are you living and working for […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Demolition Of America”

Demoralization, Hyperinflation, Cicada Plagues, Famines, War and Controlled Demolition of the American Empire. It’s all just a big war, food, health, climate, and money scam and people live under the illusion that voting for the One World Uniparty will fix it all. As money continues to become worthless, which few understand, is not real money. […]