Awareness Education Freedom

“Socialized Hellcare”

Satan has already returned to Earth and is walking the streets of Castreau’s Kanazuela and the United States of Rain Tax and Woketards Visibility as the arrival of the Antichrist draws near. This talk will be hard for many to watch simply because so many hate the truth due to mass hypnosis & wokeness. The […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Covid Psyop Exposed”

There is nothing better than massive mind control so please take your booster every 6 to 12 months going forward. Very few of the criminals were called to Capital Hill for questions, while giving more testimony with no accountability, so what’s new. What kind of morons are running this Asylum? No one at the top […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Truth Technology

“Know Thyself”

There is a battle playing out for our very humanness setting the context for every event unfolding in our world. This movement is to replace our bodies with synthetics, sensors under the skin, chemicals in the blood, chips in the brain, AI, steeling from us our ability to access this part of us that is […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom

“Old School Country Folk”

Here is a good tip for those who can still think, critically think that is. All the non playable characters, NPC’s, need not bother becasue they could not recognize the truth if it hit them head on. These NPC’s go throuh life never seeing what’s in front of them, all the while claiming to be […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The Magic Of Motherhood”

The Treasure that is women. We live in a confused society where men are no longer men and so on. The public/government school system like the industrial church has done its job creating this out of balance society otherwise known as a Corportacracy. Like the Military Industrial Complex, Medical Industrial Complex, Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, the […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Truth Technology


Pro AI is the future for those desiring to replace humanity, creating the ultimate brain computer, eliminating freewill for all of mankind. We are moving from the normie wageslave to the controllable droid with the hacking of your DNA. Are you prepared & have you received your bio-weaponized CV19™ injection along with all the boosters […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Fortune Tellers, Palm Readers & Mediums” 

Navy SEAL Team members are amazing folks, trained warriors & assassins with many capabilities. The beauty of Navy SEAL’s is they are taught to think critically on their feet. It was a genuine privilege and honor to be raised by a high ranking, intelligent SEAL Team member of 32 years, with a Duke Masters degree. […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“George Gordon Law School”

George Gordon has since departed this world as a preacher of truth in law. He operated a non 501(c)3 church unlike those fleecing the sheep today saying give us a donation and we’ll give a tax write-off as exposed in John Weavers sermon called “The Temple Tax” found on: or Over the […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“How To Win”

Why do good folks register with the U.S. Corporation starting with Newborn children? Why make newborns Taxable, Draft-able, Innocuable, Institutional & Jailable? Children are out most precious gifts and most job them out to be institutionally socialized, programmed & mind-washed. Remember, JOB stands for jump out of bed or just over broke, all by design. […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom

“The Weaponization Of The Dollar”

James Tracy discusses our crumbling system which was long ago hijacked by the Zionist Rothschild bankers and their fiat death machine. It’a time to opt OUT of the evil. Thanks for taking action within your part of the world. Welcome to lawlessness in the cities and the steeling of anything not nailed down while going […]