Awareness Education Health Life


Is one of the best documentaries on the evil genecide of the unborn ever produced. Next to Randall Allen Terry (born 1959) an American activist and political candidate, founded the anti-abortion organization Operation Rescue to stand against those who hate humanity supporting genecide & euthanasia like Gates, Soros, Fauci, Schwab, et al. Many hours were spent outside abortion […]

Education Freedom Health

“The Pandemic Accord Is Effective”

The World Health Organization has called for a “simulation” of another global pandemic so it can be assured that the totalitarian control mechanisms built into its pandemic accord are effective against the slave class. This reeks of the Event 201 simulation that occurred on October 18th, 2019, oddly not long before COVID-19™ became a pandemic. […]

Awareness Finance Health

“Inhuman Frequencies”

Are frequencies weaponized? Can they alter behavior to the point of genocide? What was the purpose of the mass CV19™ shots? Have you heard of Operation Crimson Mist creating a fast acting Genocide using frequencies? This operation has been employed since the late 50’s.

Awareness Education Health

Decoding mRNA In Meat

The food today is severely adulterated and sprayed with all kinds of chemicals. Animals are likewise being injected with a variety of drugs which causes a vast number of problems for humans. Health is wealth, so be advised… John 8:32

Awareness Freedom Health Truth

“Truth Is In The Patents”

What researchers Lisa McGee & Dr. Diane Kazer have discovered in the patents regarding the J&J Covid “vaccine” (which like Pfizer’s Covid-vax product is a bioweapon) is ghastly and truly horrifying. The war against humanity is a depopulation plan involving hundreds of corporations globally, scientists, doctors and traitors at the highest levels of government. All […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health

“Planet Lockdown”

David Martin explains the issues with the patent system, the over 5000 Corona Virus Patents, the players involved with the pandemic, the criminal laws violated through all this and his view on a solution to the problem. This interview was done as apart of a full length documentary, Planet Lockdown. Planet Lockdown: How Globalists Are […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Truth

“Eat Your Vaccines”

Liberty vs. Tyranny is what it’s all about built upon CV19™ lies which is nothing more than seasonal flu. Trump refused to play the anti American game and was unusable by the deep state. Few today have a moral compass in leadership or otherwise. mRNA gene therapy is huge. China wants our resources void of […]

Awareness Education Health


This video is about the powerful families of industry and banking who shaped the 21st century. The first segment about the Rockefeller’s and the Rockefeller Foundation is taken straight from my book, The Deep State Encyclopedia, which is now available for purchase (Release day March 7th)! A Century Ago: Rockefellers Funded Eugenics Initiative to Sterilize […]

Awareness Education Health Life

‘Plants are trying to kill you!’

Dr Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor specialising in Neurosurgery who over a span of 20 years has researched the optimal nutritional habits for athletic performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases that doctors treat these days are actually caused by the food we eat, or don’t […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Truth

“The Universal Antidote”

Very few understand health as witnessed by CV19™. Instead of being responsible for one’s own health they look to the highly profitable medical cartel and big pharma. Like most vaccines causing medical effects, the covid flu vax destroys 30% of natural immunity and little is more important than one’s own immune system. Newborns are greatly […]