Awareness Life

“Maui Massacre”

United States Marines in Maui have seen firsthand atrocities committed by the Deep State—bloated, bullet-riddled bodies floating facedown in a crimson tide; Hawaii National Guardsmen rummaging through the pockets of dead islanders and tourists; FEMA and the Red Cross forbidding citizens access to nearby food, water, and shelter. United States Marines in Maui have seen […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life

Flatten The Curve?

As a truther, everything must be examined or experienced from a lifetime of indoctrination and once the vail is lifted there is no turning back from living in a state of confession and control. Most are too busy to study truth or do anything concerning truth as exhibited by the millions volunteering for the CV19™ […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life Truth

“Sound Of Freedom”

Movieguide founded by Dr. Ted Baehr is a great work that needs to be embraced by every living man, woman & child. He along with his family has tirelessly worked for decades, to point the best films to the cross of Christ. Join us for an exclusive and captivating interview with Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel […]

Awareness Education Health Life


Is one of the best documentaries on the evil genecide of the unborn ever produced. Next to Randall Allen Terry (born 1959) an American activist and political candidate, founded the anti-abortion organization Operation Rescue to stand against those who hate humanity supporting genecide & euthanasia like Gates, Soros, Fauci, Schwab, et al. Many hours were spent outside abortion […]

Awareness Freedom Life Scripture

Missionary Spencer Smith

There is a great evil coming and it appears to be so innocent in this documentary. “For ye shall be as gods, knowing good from evil.” How do you tell people that a great evil is coming and not come across as a crazy man? Make full proof of your ministry; walking by faith in […]

Awareness Life Truth

“Tavistock Institute”

Dr. John Coleman schools you on how world events and the people are manipulated as well as WHO is doing the manipulation. All while giving you the WHY, WHEN and WHAT….. The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the […]

Awareness Freedom Life

“People Of The Lie”

This discussion is a crossover between psychology and religion in discussion of evil as a form of mental illness which many children exhibit today witnessed firsthand. They think they are doing good when in fact what they’re doing is pure evil, like suing a parent for the parents money when caretakers need money to care […]

Awareness Education Life

“Lifestyles Of The Sick And Infamous”

Lifestyles of the Sick and Infamous. Nefarious Foundations, NGOs and Trusts that Connect a Global Network of Child Trafficking Rings. How the Rich and Powerful Hide their Crimes under the cover of Philanthropy, Elite Non-Profit Organizations and Prestigious Families. Eight million children vanish annually and just under one million in America. What are you doing […]

Awareness Education Health Life

‘Plants are trying to kill you!’

Dr Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor specialising in Neurosurgery who over a span of 20 years has researched the optimal nutritional habits for athletic performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases that doctors treat these days are actually caused by the food we eat, or don’t […]

Awareness Education Life

Deep Fake Land

King James Bible Matthew 24:22 “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” Always thought this referred to an impending nuclear war or some worldwide plague or both. But now it is very plausible that mankind will cease to exist […]