The 2022 Christmas Holidays are here and few are prepared as money and food is scarce for many. The CV19™ who are injected traveling a very rocky road through naïve compliance in accord with the narrative. Remember, you will own nothing and be happy according to Klaus Schwab. Like those that bought the CV19™ narrative, […]
Category: Life
“If you want peace, prepare for war.” Everyday we get out of bed we’re in a war between good and evil. We war for Christ or we war for the world. We pursue Christ or the world and the godless, fearful, injected, masses, pursue the world. Always listen to the Lord Jesus Christ and listen […]
The Devine will save the world. Outside of relations with Yashua Christ Jesus there is no salvation. The unfortunates never come to this reality or awakening. Our religious system has become dubious. One cannot move forward into the future without faith and without faith it’s impossible to please Father God. God is a spirit which […]
Mainstream Americans are living in an artificial world otherwise known as a state of Delusion. Watch this short video to better comprehend the situation. Billions have been vaccinated for C19 at the Speed of Science. The more intelligent critical thinkers call this Junk Science. Remember, it’s all about The Speed of Science. The “gullible […]
Covid 19 is the biggest scheme of all times and the first Cabal experiment to enslave the entire globe. Its goal? To exterminate the majority of the world population, and to turn the survivors into obedient slaves or Homo Borgs. VAX is shedding to Pureblood’s. Died Suddenly, a documentary coming soon. The biggest threat […]
Megacities: The Smart Grid & The Agenda Of Total ControlPerhaps the biggest deception is that the dystopian smart city of the future is way off over the horizon, when in reality it’s right here, right now, breathing down our necks. Our future is being shaped by small incremental steps and moves are being made right […]
Having been blessed to be raised by a Navy SEAL, a Captain, one step from an Admiral, was a privilege and great honor that few experience. For around 40 years I’ve operated worldwide with a S.E.A.L attitude for Christ Jesus which has been a greater honor than all the riches in the world, which I […]
They tell us that there is something wrong. We have to start listening to Klaus Schwab’s Israeli-advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, who shamelessly calls his fellow humans – if he is indeed human – useless and superfluous eaters, no longer needed, because robots and AI will soon take over. He says it in public, most recently in a TED […]
How the world works according to BlackRock & Vanguard. BlackRock is the forth branch of government, clearly defining what is currently happening in the world and the modern global systems which are clearly at work. From covid, pandemics, fear to genecide in pursuit of the ultimate goal. BlackRock: the company that owns the world. They […]
This is a clear message sent to the NWO although many sheep will not awaken as millions are slated for removal using the covid Illusion/delusion. Around seven billion people must cease to exist according to the Georgia Guidestones erected around 1980 and the Covie Kool-Aid along with many boosters are making all of this possible […]