There is a hatred of, We The People, that exist among the Aristocracy. They are intent on eliminating 7 Billion of us and it’s time to take a stand. Prepare for a systemic breakdown as the population continues to be reduced via an enemy image which is a massive fraud. The narrative has been fabricated. […]
Category: Lifestyle
The Honorable Anna Von Reitz, David Straight and Eric Jon Phelps have dedicated their lives to truth and the freeing of all Americans. There is a vast difference between an American and a US Citizen and it’s imperative you know and understand the difference. That’s why correction of Status & Standing is necessary for every […]
USA Funded Virus Research And Used Outbreak Against Its Citizens. While the outrageously conflicted investigative commission put together by the World Health Organization has dismissed the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 being a lab-leaked virus, deciding to pursue the imported frozen food theory instead,1,2,3 the lab-origin story refuses to die, and for good reason. There’s just too much […]
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”-Dietrich Bonhoeffer It’s a mad world otherwise known as mass psychosis. The public fool system has gone totally insane and parents need to awaken to these social insane-asylums along […]
People say, “It’s fine to have faith and dreams, but ultimately, you have to be a realist.” Well, you don’t have to be a realist. In fact, you shouldn’t be a realist. We’re supposed to be like God, and God isn’t a realist. God doesn’t just accept things as they are. God doesn’t limit Himself […]
“THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN SHOULD DO NOTHING.” A person can not be in mainstream or politics unless you’re in the “born-to-be” groomed Judeo-Masonic Jesuit Network. Donald J. Trump attended Fordham University, the oldest Catholic & Jesuit university in the northeastern United States (third oldest in New […]
Over the past week it’s been snowing and we’re snowed in, so we started watching “The Ultimate Gift” which is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen concerning life. At 32, by God’s Grace, I quit working for money and the trappings of the world, vowing to work for Jesus Christ and family realizing […]
Think about it; our most precious God given gift is born into the world and immediately taken to the doctor for a litany of vaccines, designed for long term medical effects producing billions for the medical pharmacological cartel. For those paying close attention, Gates; the soon to be trillionaire has fully explained this disclosing a […]
There is no pandemic, it is a fraud. There is no evidence of Covid 19 which isn’t a real epidemic. The hysteria was developed by corporations making Billions. The purpose of the Mystery Virus is to dumb us down creating masses of taxed paying droids worldwide for enslavement, control and extortion. How easily the sheep […]
My dear friend, After a conversation with a long time friend and gentleman medical doctor in Texas, who I spent a great deal of phone time with when I severely cut my leg years ago; he shared he was taking Ivermectin which is what Trump took for Covie, the mystery virus. As we talked, I shared, I […]