The truth about vaccines. Please share so the world can wake up. They hide videos like these for a reason, they do not want you to know what vaccines are doing to your health and your children’s health. Please SHARE! This is bad however the covie kool-aid swab and vaccine is entering the world of […]
Category: Scripture
“We’ll take the vaccine, just mail it to us. Our health and safety are simply too important to just show up in person. Just like mail in voting…safe, secure and honest. So just mail it to us and we’ll give ourselves the shot. We’ll send our paper work right back stating we’re all vaccinated. You […]
Please SHARE if you enjoyed and were encouraged by this adaptation of John Bunyan’s classic allegory. “The Pilgrim’s Progress” is a musical adventure fit for the whole family. Visit to learn more about this movie. Shot as a labor of love with a budget of just $2500 and an entirely volunteer cast and crew, […]
Join David and Jon as they uncover research of the Secret Kingdom of Tartaria and the Hidden History that makes it a mystery. It is apparent that this kingdom has been covered up by historians: but for what purpose?
President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada #PresidentTrump #Trump #2020election Having been privileged to spend over 30 years worldwide in full time ministry, it is extremely impressive to see the President attending a Full Gospel Church. This is not the actions of a politician and this is good. Granted, the […]
Truth in History is a weekly half-hour television program featuring Charles A. Jennings. Teaching the bible without fear or favor. As any honest student of Scripture would observe when considering the various aspects of the Kingdom God, throughout history God in His sovereignty has divinely hand-picked servants for strategic tasks in order to fulfill His […]