
Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick

How about a worldwide pandemic that shuts EVERYTHING DOWN right in the middle of a booming economy…nah that couldn’t happen…The elite create the problem, and scare the hell out of everyone in the process. Then they provide “the solution.” I’m convinced all the media-created panic over COVID-19 is the next major example of this. Soon […]


Millions Given to Support Victims of Trafficking

Health Lifestyle Truth

Dr. Shawn Baker, M.D. & Dr. Paul Saladino, M.D. The Carnivore Diet

Evidence based nutrition with the Carnivore Diet which lowers blood pressure while increasing energy. Dr. Shawn Baker, M.D. is an orthopedic surgeon, weight lifting world record holder, and carnivore diet advocate. After years of fasting and eating organic, many have switched to carnivore which lowers blood pressure, greatly increasing energy. Dr. Paul Saladino, MD has […]


Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is extremely important and seriously lacking in todays society. The Public, Private, Home School System destroys all critical thinking and creativity thus creating, as John Taylor Gatto shared, Wageslaves. Everyone needs to read his excellent book; “Dumbing Us Down” along with viewing, “The Purpose of Schooling” Don’t forget, Charlotte Iserbyt’s exceptional book, written […]


The Great Awakening

This is a beautiful time as many are awakening at long last to truth which many of us have preached for years. For those that live for truth welcome home.

Awareness Truth

The Role of Government

“Be Prepared” is the old Boy Scout Motto which we learned many years ago and it’s never too late to prepare for these interesting days ahead. It’s never too late to start…

China Truth

Don’t Stay In School

My entire youth was wasted in the Public/Private School system otherwise known as the Fool System and then on to wasting 9 years in 6 universities, thousands of hours and dollars in order to conform me into a compliant wageslave along with the masses, of course paying my fair share knowing not one penny goes […]

Awareness Truth

There is no Alternative

We’re in a battle to save our Republic between good and evil, the left and the right, freedom or slavery, life or death. The second amendment ensures freedom and justice for all. It’s time to employ critical thinking and cease being sheep so easily led. It appears some today have very few gray cells on […]

Awareness Truth

It will happen by December

Awareness China Truth


PLANDEMIC DOCUMENTARY: THE HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND COVID-19 The Hidden Agenda behind Covie that everyone should understand because your life depends on it.