Takeover: “It isn’t the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it’s the troubles who create the rebels.” Lucifer continues to rule the world as the Israelis continue killing their own like
Benjamin Netanyahu forcing the Cv19™ bioweapon on all his people. Remember, ‘War Is A Racket’ and very profitable for the Military Industrial Complex.
Electric cars are like sitting in a microwave oven and easily controlled by anyone with the knowledge and equipment. America is on the precipice of a grand takeover and who can stop it as the genecide continues with H5Ni?
A thick, ‘mysterious’ fog has descended upon a wide swath of the US, sparking fears of another ‘Operation Sea Spray.’
President Trump is the only option the US Corporation had in support of We The People. Now those that can still critically think must awaken, take a stand & Speak Loudly. Four years we’ve been in this nightmare. Thank you Joe & Harris, great puppets along with their controllers.
Those voting for Joe Dementia are some of the most confused, lost, vaxxed, woke, libtards, living on earth supporting their own personal enslavement & genecide.
Welcome to Operation Seaspray. What will they introduce next as the bought and paid for sheeptards, neurotic, psychotic fall for next.
The bacteria used are Serratia marcescens, which can cause respiratory issues and meningitis, and Bacillus atrophaeus that can be lethal immunocompromised individuals. This bacteria is very harmful to humans.
Now, 75 years later, some Americans believe this may be happening again as they claim an ‘unnatural’ fog with a ‘burning chemical-like smell’ has plagued their communities in recent weeks. Wait for things to go to the next level.
The genecide must continue with the support of the woke, vaxxed, libtards and who can stop it? What will you do? Are you Prepared, aware and ready to take a stand for the true Jesus Christ?
Oh, America will be next…
In His Service
John 8:32