John Kerry calls for the depopulation of billions to fight climate change. He then shared human beings are the plague of this planet. Kerry, in step with the Georgia Guidestones agree the world population needs to be reduced to a manageable 500,000,000 and vaccines are the perfect weapon starting with newborns as spoken by Bill Gates.
CV19™ is the greatest tool to accomplish the task producing massive longterm health effects leading up to death. Thank Father God for those brave enough to speak the truth at all cost. Give prayerful thanks for men like Trump and those standing with him leading our nation. The Biden Harris cartel is coming to an end with all of the woke, libtard, vaxxed, demon possessed souls bent on destroying the American way of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.
This is old however worth revisiting since it is loaded with a great deal of truth. Do your part and take a stand for life & liberty found only in Jesus Christ and Him crucified for the sins of mankind. Many are called yet few are chosen just as the road is wide and the gate is narrow so make full proof of your ministry walking out your salvation in fear and trembling, for it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God…
In Him
John 8:32