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Deliver the Truth no matter the cost! Stop living for yourself, the world, job, vacation, home, lifestyle and money. It is all wood, hay & stubble. Be Prepared, as we were taught in the Boy Scouts before the invasion of the fear driven, confused, evil, sodomite, trans, vaxxed, lbgt, woke, sic, godless libtards. Actually, they are not godless since they serve Lucifer, who was cast out, the father of pure evil.

Jesus Christ is everything and all in all and few want the Truth, much less, His Truth. As in Scripture, brother will turn against brother and families will turn against families. Evil is very real and evil has always ruled the world in service to satan. While attending Duke divinity school, we were taught to call him Sa Tan, giving him respect

The CV19™ bioweapon is real and fear has been employed with the greatest of skill in this genecide, reducing the world population to 500 million as stated on the Georgia Guidestones. The bioweaponeers are excelling at their job, all for money. Are you ready to welcome the pox? It’s on the way as the sheep are culled while producing billions & killing millions. Remember, 7 billion is the goal.

Truth Is Everything

Pray for those who love life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness in Christ Jesus alone to His magnificent Glory. Stop pursuing the trappings of the world while serving the god of this world.

Understand; to live is Christ; to die is profit and we all came to die. Are you called to be an Ambassador for Christ who requires your obedience? Are you prepared?

John 8:32

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