
“Georgia Guidestones Mystery”

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The Georgia Guidestones were erected in South Georgia in 1980. The inscribed goal was to reduce the world population to 500 million, which most considered a joke. To the well read, the Guidestones are not a mystery but few read today and even fewer critically think.

CV19™ is simply the beginning and many intellectual idiots have bought the bioweapons from the bioweaponeers and few seem to be aware, as the genecide continues with 74 new variants in the wings and all with shedding ability as billions in profit continue. Sickness & death is big business for the Military, Medical & Pharmaceutical Complex and the masses have been deluded in the mix.

On July 6, 2022, a bomb went off on a five-acre farm in Elberton, Georgia, destroying a monument that had stood there for over 40 years—the Georgia Guidestones. This monument was made of four massive granite slabs, weighing more than 230,000 pounds, and had a set of guidelines for creating a more peaceful and organized society.

Critical Thinking Is Key

The purpose of schools is to destroy all critical and creative thinking as Rockfellow stated years ago. I don’t want thinkers but vaxxed, woke, libtard, compliant, complacent, obedient taxable wageslaves in the slavesmithing industry that will be happy, owning nothing, to include their own body.

Few are aware, the masses already own nothing, not even their body. Anyone or anything with a number is a corporation, resulting in the existence of corporate fictions.

Thinking is hard while critical thinking is the hardest and those speaking loudly are quickly silenced, hated, shunned, banned, slandered and far too often eliminated.

Remember: Health is Wealth so always Think Critically because your life and the life of your family depends on it…

In His Service,

John 8:32

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