
“He Came To Set The Captives Free”

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Some 40 years ago, after experiencing a Damascus Road Event, life was forever changed. Jesus Christ became supremely real along with eternity. Awareness increased, concerning many are called, yet few are chosen, just as the road is wide and the gate is narrow. Where do you stand today? We all came to die and this we accomplish daily until we are placed in the ground.

Genuine Christians are called: just as the harvest is plenty & the laborers are few. This is not an option because obedience is what is required: “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. 2 Timothy 2:25

This book further impressed, with the reality of Heaven & Hell, like Dante’s Inferno, 9 circles of hell along with the 7 levels of hell. After reading Rebecca’s book, I found myself in D.C. listening to “Dr. Rebecca Brown, M.D.” along with meeting Elaine, a high witch deep in the satanic church, who was delivered from satanism.

Satanism which is alive and well today continues to grow, spreading like a cancer. By design, satanism destroys all life for those living for the comforts, trappings, wealth of the world which rules the lost due to the empirical mindset. Man is a trifold being designed for His purpose.

Over the years I’ve met many Satanist, along with a number of witches who I’ve shared Christ with. After 40+ years traveling the world as a medical missionary/evangelist, most have no idea the battle everyone is in between flesh and spirit, as lucifer continues to rule many lives.

Sadly, most accept Christ simply to put springs on their wagon to make their ride a bit smoother. It is never easy, however, a great privilege to take a stand, speaking for Christ. Those called are the broken bread & the poured out wine for the lost.

Except for the grace of our Abba Father, there go I, confused, lost, without moorings or any foundation. Sadly, most are adrift on the seas of commerce, awaiting death in a retirement, nursing home or hospital and that is a dark agenda, refusing all responsibility & obedience to Christ Jesus. That’s the decision of most families including children, especially when money is the issue, where greed exceeds ones life.

Dr Rebecca Brown M.D.

The book “He Came To Set The Captives Free” is a book I read upon meeting Rebecca some 30 years ago and it further awakened me to the reality of eternity. Upon visiting Rebecca while leading a conference in DC, I met Elaine, who was a high witch in the U.S. satanic church. Elaine found deliverance after meeting Jesus Christ through her association with the doctor and left the ever growing cult of satanism.

Few Christians are aware or give any thought to the world of demons and demonic influence, possession or activity. It’s beneath their reality. The mind will deny God on one’s death bed because the mind is enmity against Father God. We’re all going to die which is guaranteed, are you prepared? Address this head-on. Location, location, location.

The majority of Christians live a very superficial life simply going with the flow, unwilling to make waves, concerning His Truth or truth in general. Far too many think good works is key along with being good. Humanism has always been the greatest opponent of a true Christian as taught in most corporate controlled churches where one may pay their tithe and receive a write-off.

Guess we deserve the state of the nation today due to lukewarm christians, as fear continues to rule as evidenced by CV19™ and the 74 new variants soon to be introduced. Can anyone believe fear of dying continues worldwide for the majority? The sheep have no Shepard…

In His Service,

John 8:32

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