Jesus Christ did not come to create a big church. He came to awaken the sheep however today’s Shepard refuses to feed the sheep, His Truth.
The genuine Christian is commanded to stand against libtard wickedness & evil. Christ was a dangerous man and when we loose the dangerous men in Society, we loose our country. There is a method to the psychotic, neurotic madness of the ruling elite in todays Corportacracy which is in no way a government.
If you don’t understand the weapons of your enemy, you will loose the war which we see today. We must learn what we need to know while the truthers continue to be banned, shunned, slandered or worse. Where are all. the critical thinkers? Where are the freedom minded Americans?
Throughout history a small group has been trained to control everybody else and most are willing to comply for money, job, position and reputation who coddle evil and perversion. Most don’t understand their enemy, much less what is happening.
Without Freedom you can’t be a Christian because without freedom we are nothing more than slaves controlled by the ruling class. America was founded for freedom which few understand or enjoy today.
Bill Cooper was A former U.S. naval intelligence worker, Milton William Cooper published his manifesto Behold a Pale Horse in 1991. Since then it has gone on to sell hundreds of thousands of copies, becoming the number-one bestseller in the American prison system.
According to Behold a Pale Horse, JFK was assassinated—because he was about to reveal that extraterrestrials were about to take over the earth—by his driver, an alien himself; AIDS is a government conspiracy to decrease the population of blacks, Hispanics, and homosexuals; and the Illuminati are secretly involved with the U.S. government to manage relationships with extraterrestrials.
Bill Cooper died in a shootout with Apache County police in 2001, one month after September 11, in the year in which he had predicted catastrophe. When the Truth is broadcast everyone one gets upset as evidenced by the life of Bill Cooper. The sheep and the controllers cannot afford the truth. Never be afraid to say we were wrong.
In His Service
John 8:32