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Mass indoctrination has worked beautifully and millions continue the government school indoctrination program, as described by the great John Taylor Gatto, the most intellectual, decorated school teacher in NYC for 30 years. Read his excellent book: “Dumbing Us Down” and think if possible about it.

Learn the art of thinking & if you were a victim of the CV19™ injection, God Bless You, because you have now joined the woke community where many live today.

Know The Truth
It’s Never Too Late

Any intelligent parent should never hand over their kids to go play war games in support of the corportacracy. Why do we continue to create vaxxed war machines fighting for what? Why do we continue to create cannon fodder for the psycho elite? Only a mind-washed spineless father would send their child to kill for a corporation.

About The Draft

America still has a well armed militia among the populas and it never takes a majority but a minority to stand up and resist corruption.

The Jones Plantation

The war machine must continually be fed in support of the military industrial complex, like the medical, pharmaceutical , educational, financial, political industrial complex.

Are you aware & prepared and if so, why not? Larken was forced into a cage over a tax issue (extortion) for a year or so and is truly a thinking man. He is doing a great job however he does not maintain the faith in Christ Jesus some have. Most christians sadly don’t think but fully comply with whatever evil force exist resulting in their own demise & enslavement, fully supporting Slavesmithing.

What we have today is a easily programmed, complaisant, compliant, mind-washed society, consistent herd of sheep with a hive mentality. The genuine leaders/thinkers are few in number and easily eliminated or permanently silenced…

John 8:32

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