Far too many work for money totally void of any understanding concerning law. Only you can change this. It’s all about being responsible for one’s life and family. Realize, none of this is possible without a keen relationship with Jesus Christ & His Wisdom, Gifts & Fruits.
Beware of doctors, lawyers, politicians and get educated which will take some intelligent critical thinking. It simply comes down to right & wrong which few embrace. Never be afraid to stand for the truth, starting with His Truth. Learn the difference between Defacto & DeJure Law.
The two most important things man can own & control are clean water and land requiring a land patent which few embrace, because they simply don’t understand money & law. Americans have been lied to for so long they have embraced the lies of Satan who rules the day.
After 12 long years of mass indoctrination, vaccines, programming to be a better, compliant, obedient, woke, libtard, vaxxed wageslave, almost no one understands money & law including the well versed, equally programed Judges & Lawyers. If they actually understand they don’t care because the profits are too high like Rothschild said years ago; produce workers, not thinkers.
After years of insane politicians like Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden and the Marxist clown show Harris who could not form an intelligent sentence like her boss, Joe Dementia, we finally have a chance for sanity once again.
The public, private, homeschool fool systems do not teach law & money, yet most spend a lifetime pursuing money at their own demise. Since health is wealth why do so many live a lifestyle in which health is slowly destroyed if not out of ignorance.
For years we have been dealing with lies, extortion and ignorance at unpresidented levels and now the critical thinkers can breath a bit easier. The fight has just begun for the freedom loving who appreciate life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.
The federal reserve is controlled by the 12 families known as the cartel, just as not one penny in federal tax goes to America or the US Treasury, yet almost everyone obediently supports the fraud. Today, around 80 million refuse to support fraud by not filling a federal tax. They are true Americans willing to standup for truth.
Too many today are being unjustly attacked. Their money & property is being stolen along with their lives. Take a stand, get educated and do what is right. Anyone hiring a lawyer declairs themselves and imbicile and this is unnecessary.
Dr Fredrick Graves offers a clear solution for those willing to take a stand against injustice and Speak Loudly concerning a world of thieves where extortion & theft is allowed. Stop being fooled and get started today while learning right from wrong. Always defend what is right. Never be afraid to make waves. If necessary, rock the boat. Get started today with Dr Graves, your new law professor who has dedicated his life to helping humanity…
In His Service
John 8:32
The power of the people does not end at the polls. The courts control our freedoms, and you have the power to control the courts. Judges and lawyers must follow the Rules of Court, but they don’t expect YOU to know them. That changes today. 4 out of 5 citizens of this country—over 334 million—cannot afford a lawyer. If you ever find yourself facing a lawsuit, fighting for your property, fighting for a family member, defending your rights, or holding someone accountable, will you be prepared? Or will you be at the mercy of a system designed to keep you out? They want you to believe the law is too complicated. That you have no choice but to pay thousands for an attorney in a very corrupt system. That’s a lie! 🚨 No Lawyer, No Problem. 🚨 With How to Win in Court, you’ll learn step-by-step how to navigate the legal system, file motions, present evidence, and stand up for yourself—just like the lawyers do. ✅ No legal background required.✅ No overpriced attorney fees.✅ All for less than one hour of a lawyer’s time. This is about more than just legal education. It’s about power. Your power. The power to fight back when your rights are violated. The power to control the courts. The system was built for you—and it is imperitive that you learn to use it. 🔹 Take the first step today. Click below to enroll and take control of your future. ENROLL NOW Knowledge is power. Don’t let them take yours. Sincerely, Jurisdictionary |