
“Lies I Taught In Medical School”

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Have you ever wondered why your doctor says some of the silliest things? If you are healthy they loose money and money is what it’s all about. It’s because that’s what she/he was taught in medical school. Now we have a medical school professor who has owned up to the lies he taught to medical students for years, and is ready to tell his story.

Dr. Robert Lufkin is a medical school professor at UCLA &USC. He is now focusing on the applied science of health, longevity, and consciousness. After reversing chronic disease and transforming his own life he is making it his mission to help others do the same.

In addition to being a practicing physician, he is author of over 200 peer reviewed scientific papers and 14 books that are available in six languages. Robert has given invited lectures/keynotes around the world, and was named one of the ‘100 Most Creative People in Los Angeles’ by Buzz Magazine.

Why Doctors Lie

We must learn to take control of our health without depending on outside sources which is why being carnivore is so very important. It’s all about nutrition & mindset. It’s how we frame what happens to us in the world.

What’s wrong with your doctor? Why can’t they help you? Why do they only cut, burn & poison? Drugs are not routinely the answer yet that’s all they have to offer.

Doctor Lies

Always approach your doctor as a consultant, the same with a lawyer. They are only advisors and you can take or leave their advise. It’s way past time to become responsible for your health by taking responsibility for your life.

Be Responsible

Some years ago, Dr. Sidney Burwell, was addressing the entering class at Harvard Medical School and said: “Gentlemen, in the next four years here at school, we will teach you as much as we possibly can of the latest theories and interpretations of disease and all of its varieties and insidious forms. But medical science is progressing so rapidly that by the time you have finished your four-year course: “One-half of what we tell you will have been, by that time, proven incorrect, and unfortunately, we cannot tell you which half it’s going to be.”

Sir William Osler, 1st Baronet, FRS FRCP was a Canadian physician and one of the “Big Four” founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital, living from 1849 to 1919, stated to his medical class how 50% of what is taught in medical school is a lie and we can’t identify which 50% is wrong…

Coca Cola

While living in Atlanta I was funded by one of the builders of Coca Cola, Author Montgomery. He along with Josephine Robinson helped fund my medical missions & evangelistic crusades.

Bob Woodruff guided Coke to what it is today along with Author Montgomery. Coke was highly valued while in third world countries because the water was never safe to drink. Unfortunately, Coke is not one of the healthiest drinks since High-fructose corn syrup is very heart unhealthy…

Women eats only meat for 13 years and this is what happened. Health is Wealth and this is necessary for everyone. Time to awaken.

This Happens

John 8:32

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