WE THE PEOPLE in America have been given another chance to awaken to the reality of Jesus Christ & Him Crucified. To love Abba Father with all our heart and neighbor as self.
We have a chance to pull back from a Marxist system along with the Corporatocracy of today; embracing The Republic we were given by our Founding Fathers, through much shed blood, sweat & tears. It’s up to everyone desiring life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.
Anyone or anything with a number, you don’t own, just as most support extortion through taxation when not one penny goes to America or the US Treasury. It goes to our total demise and one’s own enslavement, as clearly stated by Rothchild, years ago.
On this Christmas Day, December 25, 2024, we are mindful of those unable to be present in the circle of family and friends. From J6, the physicians & healthcare practitioners who have been imprisoned, persecuted and killed for taking a stand for honesty, health, freedom, you are in our prayers. Pray for Trump and the team being assembled to rid America of the evil, godless, vaxxed, woke libtards. Humanism has always been the enemy of Christ.
Remember, the billions who have suffered injuries from vaccines and murdered through intention or neglect through the Poisoned Needle starting in the 50’s with 2 vaccines for some of us so the vax lies continue. Today’s youth are offered around 100 vaccines creating longterm medical effects while being lobotomized. What a profitable genecide to include our military.
Listen closely and read, “The Moth in the Iron Lung”. It tells a very different story of the Polio epidemic than the one you are likely familiar with, a story with radically different implications for health and medicine. Bret talks with Forest about his book and his interpretation of the evidence with an evolutionary bent to the conversation.
Jonas Salk was a eugenist as described in his book, “Survival of the Wisest” and how he used SV40 in his bioweapon. It’s always about the bottom line, like the trillion dollar industry known as big pharma coupled with the military industrial complex promoting the covid flu virus bioweapon.
To whom much is given much is expected! Remember, there are many god’s bidding for your soul. Only one true God lives, offering life eternal through Christ Jesus. Where do you stand today and what are you doing to serve Him, walking out your life, making full proof of your ministry in preparation for eternity.
The beauty of the Holiday Season is simply amazing, tucked back in the Appalachian Mountains, sitting by a wood fired stove on a cold, Blueridge day, far away from the maddening CV19™ injected crowd of compliant followers of the carefully crafted narrative.
The true Christian is an alarm clock shouting from the rooftop in a world of sleepers, better known as the walking dead, slaving their lives away for what?
Those embracing the maskitis disease while accepting the CV19™ agenda, have been sadly deceived out of fear of loss, as they are being punished on their eternal journey. Their lack of intelligent critical thinking has doomed them and those desiring to awaken them are quickly shunned, silenced, cursed, banned or worse. Sharing Truth with strangers always exhibits a cost. Do you care about this act of biological terrorism thrust on the good people of the world?
‘Tis the Season’ to accept & embrace the. Reality of Jesus Christ, Yashua and the joys of family and life itself which is extremely short.
Remember, 70×7 is synonymous with God’s eternal forgiveness so do your best to live for Christ and employ the gift of love, life & family.
Mother, once shared, having children is the greatest thing one can ever do and she was so very wise. Of course jobbing children out to the beast system for proper indoctrination & conditioning is a colossal mistake just as subjecting a newborn to a vast plethora of vaccines causing longterm medical effects including SIDs, learning disabilities, autism, cancer & death.
May everyone embrace, Life, Liberty, Property & the Pursuit of Happiness, which this great nation was once founded upon which is derived from God’s Law & His Word Written. Life lived according to the world & junk science destroys, just as a life lived without Christ is eternal death and eternity is eternal.
“Heaven has strict immigration laws. Hell has open borders where far too many exist, choosing the path of least resistance & worldly pleasure.” Welcome to the Corporatocracy like the covid flu season with 74 more variants coming soon. Pray for those living with the maskitis disease shrouded in ignorance.
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” Please get educated and speak loudly if not for yourself, for the children!. Vaccines, the school & university system is designed to create a godless society, as parents continue the curse causeless. Over this winter season consider the consequences of every action & enjoy the beauty of the Season…
Our little cabin in the woods with our awesome family tucked away from the maddening crowd and the woke vaxtard living in shedville. Mountain spring water flows from the side of the mountain to the cabin where we enjoy the wood burning stove for heat. Life is good only when one walks, serves & listens to the Father, Son & Holy Ghost. His wisdom is the only true wisdom.
A vaxtard is someone who worships covid, hydrogel, graphene, mRNA shots religiously. These people called for the persecution of people who didn’t take the shot, known as purebloods and signed their newborns up to be in big pharma vaccine experiments. Lucifer rules the world. They tend to be high/low IQ libtard, NPCs, who think lawyers, politicians, doctors and big pharma have their best interest in mind.
If you employ Truth starting with His Truth, Speak loudly & “Be Prepared” to our Abba Father’s Glory always giving thanks to Him; always wise as serpents and harmless as doves because Satan rules the world seeking whom he may devour so always walk with the King Jesus the Christ…
In His Service
John 8:32