
“Out Of Sight Out Of Mind”

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Those unfortunate souls that fell for the lies of the covie kool-aid and the many more to come are just like those vaxing their Newborns with just under 100 vaccines in support of the Trillion dollar industry without a clue.

Now that the newborn has received the first 30 vaccines with 70 more scheduled, it is time to attend 12 years of indoctrination in preparation for the workforce. Life, liberty, property & the pursuit of happiness is long gone for the average. Corporate BC’s create Corporate Fictions. Few understand money and law nor are they taught.

As the great Rockefeller said; no thinkers, only workers. The elite are doing exactly what they’ve planned for so many years as some of the masses offer little more than a whimper while annually voluntarily paying their fair share in support of their own enslavement & demise. Not 1 penny of federal tax goes to America or the US Treasury so where does it go? Your life and family depends on knowing this.

Between the vaccines, 12 years of indoctrination, higher education and annual sheering without any Shepard, they turn to the white coats and the retirement home which is the final step before the nursing home resulting in slow, lonely, drugged death. What a beautifully designed system and not even a whimper. A lifetime lived totally unaware they don’t even own their body, property or life.

Since you don’t own anything and the rich don’t care similar to the masses, the land grab will continue creating 15 minute cities and FEMA camps out of necessity. Wake Up…

If you don’t watch the videos, you will learn little being useless in education and instruction, leaving the Truth tellers, whistleblowers to face the Luciferian agenda alone.

It’s up to each one of us to educate while speaking loudly as the Lord Jesus Christ leads. For genuine Christians, He does lead His own.

In His Service

John 8:32

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