
“The Book Of Revelation”

Very few understand or comprehend The Book of Revelation for if they did they would not silence Truth among christian & pagan. They would live for Christ Jesus instead of living for themselves. For those who truly know and live for our Abba Father: To live is Christ & to die is profit. Many who […]


“Weapons Of Mass Migration”

There are ten thousand hacking at branches while only one cuts at the root. America desperately needs root cutters speaking loudly because our lives depend on it along with our families lives. Michael Yon is a wealth of information like President Trump and correct information coupled with our Abba Father’s Wisdom may just save our […]


“Cyber Supremacy”

Takeover: “It isn’t the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it’s the troubles who create the rebels.” Lucifer continues to rule the world as the Israelis continue killing their own like Benjamin Netanyahu forcing the Cv19™ bioweapon on all his people. Remember, ‘War Is A Racket’ and very profitable for the Military Industrial Complex. […]


“Wife Announces New Year Resolutions For Husband”

RED BLUFF, CA — As people ring in the new year by taking on resolutions meant to improve their lives, local wife and mother Karen Moore took it upon herself to graciously announce a number of resolutions for her husband so he wouldn’t have to. “He never makes New Year’s resolutions,” she said. “But I […]


“Death Fog Will Kill Billions”

Chemtrails Pilot Reveals Plot to Blanket World in “Death Fog” to Kill Billions in 2025. Couple this with covie kool-aid, bad food, poisoned water, vaxxed newborns, Chemtrails, twelve years of public school indoctrination and America has a controllable, compliant, tax filing, corporate fiction, unable to think clearly, obeying every command. Are you ready for the […]


“The Psychic Shock”

As America approach’s some seemingly sanity after 4 long years of insanity moving towards Marxism causing great suffering and death, we have been given an opportunity to create change. Those who are not able to critically think grounded in Jesus Christ have no idea as to what’s in store with 74 new variants presented to […]


“How They Hate The Truth”

Jesus Christ did not come to create a big church. He came to awaken the sheep however today’s Shepard refuses to feed the sheep, His Truth. The genuine Christian is commanded to stand against libtard wickedness & evil. Christ was a dangerous man and when we loose the dangerous men in Society, we loose our […]


“Learn By Pain”

God is God and we are not. Jarrin Jackson thinks just like many of us, speaking loudly while standing on the Written Word of God. The jab for jobs, the maskitis disease has destroyed far too many lives along with the lockdowns most fell for. The woke, libtard operating in fear has been damaged for […]


“Ground Zero North Carolina”

Ground Zero North Carolina: Fighting Globalism To Restore The Republic by Ann Vandersteel. Over 60 years ago we were using rain to destroy the homes, bridges & roads in Vietnam. That same technology has been perfected and continues to be used, not only in Lahaina, Hawaii where Scaler technology was used but North Carolina where […]


“The Wizard Of Oz”

The wonderful wizard of Oz is far darker than anyone has imagined. The story of Oz is about everyday life for most of us living in Oz, what has been called the Matrix. The Scarecrow is the symbol of control easily manipulated and always in debt and seen as pawns. The Tin man represents workers […]