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“Smart Cities For Dumb People”

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Welcome to the new world where you will own nothing and be happy when in reality you already own nothing and most are sick, confused, broke, in-debt and cluelessly miserable. Free speech is being destroyed as the woke continue to enforce their own demise. The rhino christian republican continues their own destruction through humanism.

Newborn vaccines along with government schools & universities have done an amazing job at destroying all critical thinking through digital technologies. The mind of the youth has successfully been indoctrinated while successfully being uneducated. Those succeeding in school comprise the mass indoctrinated and totally uneducated while mind-washed to their very core.

The genecide continuse and those volunteering for the vaccines from cradle to grave are nothing more than lab rats enslaved in a matrix that is impossible to escape and soon it will be too late for all woke, vaxxed, libtard, useless eaters as the culling continues.

As power goes down with this outdated grid the new system is being implemented. From lab grown meat to bugs and drugs injected in our food along with human DNA most are none the wiser. Sadly, hospitals like nursing homes have become the injection centers known by those aware as death homes.

Dumb People

Universities are the perfect place to prepare this generation for smart cities where many will softly & slowly be culled. The masses work hard naively thinking they are free and never more enslaved. They work for what is printed out of thin air while and evaporating before even spent.

Are you prepared both today and eternally. Remember, pray and row like hell otherwise suffer the consequences. The future is evolving quickly for those paying attention…

John 8:32

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