We The People, have been lied to since birth, starting with Newborn Vaccines & 12 years of public indoctrination creating easily controlled compliant wageslaves, according to John Taylor Gatto, author of the book, “Dumbing Us Down”. The layer of this beast system is complex and very complicated for the average citizen.
For the intelligent critical thinking man it is quite a dilemma, especially those with children who are vaxxed, causing long term mental & physical issues for the sole purpose of slavery and elimination. So the genecide continues with CV19™ and the 74 new variants reducing the world population, resulting in the death of 7 billion as the masses continue sleepwalking while funding their own demise.
President Trump has aided America in returning to sanity. It’s amazing that America tolerated so many years of insanity with many still on the insane train traveling the Highway to Hell. Sadly, most want to be coddled and cared for from cradle to grave while eating and drinking whatever kool-aid offered.
What we do in life echos into eternity…
In His Service
John 8:32