
“Strategic Relocation”

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An old friend once shared; one day we may have to flee to the mountains and by Father’s grace, we did. You may find this an interesting read. Escape the city if at all possible and live a much slower, healthier lifestyle, embracing clean water, air & food. Enjoy…

You may also want to go back to school on your knees in prayer before making such a decision. Our Father is always talking to us just as our body is speaking to us. Always pay attention by creating a life you don’t need a vacation from which is only possible by living for Him. He has your plan, purpose & life, only if you listen to Him and the leading of His Holy Spirit.

For those of Faith, He alone gives you His gifts for guidance. He requires obedience, not sacrifice. Each new day lived for Him is an awesome journey on this eternal quest.

As taught in youth, Be Prepared, for we know not what tomorrow may hold. Knowing Jesus Christ is a daily awesome journey. Are you there yet?

John 8:32

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