
“The Greatest Secret”

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I met a chap in a pub who told me the Greatest Secret that keeps us in debt. Very few understand how this system works and too many live in fear of the matrix. Sadly, most work all their lives to end up broke and unhealthy depending on a system that has failed them. The majority work hard trusting in a system that takes half of their earnings for a tax when not one penny goes to America or the US Treasury according to the Grace Commission Report. Think about it.

Sir Richard

We must hold criminals accountable and DC is overflowing with such. This is only possible if you understand who you are and how to enforce the truth you’re willing.

Power Of The Affidavit

If you are suffering extortionate energy bills, it might come as a surprise that the energy has already been paid for before it gets to you; so why are you paying again? I talk to Kayles from the Telegram group Free Energy Nationwide about how to deal with this expensive fraud.

The masses slave their lives away working for money. They own nothing and are not happy. Yet, Klaus Schwab said you will own nothing and be happy. You already own noting including your body or your children since your birth certificate is traded on wall street. Do you realize how much you are worth to the US Corporation? The masses live and work as corporate fictions which is anyone or thing with a number. Fear rules society and the average citizen.

This is only for the critical thinkers who desire to live for Jesus Christ and their fellowman. Remember, it’s all about family, friends and loved ones to include God & Country…

John 8:32

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