
“The Pfizer Papers”

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New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Naomi Wolf, describes how being deplatformed for questioning the dangerous reactions from women after the mRNA vaccines, inspired her to dive into the Pfizer trial documents that were only released by the FDA after action funded by ICAN, with a legal team led by Aaron Siri. Hear how she helped coordinate a team of 3250 doctors and scientists to decode the medical documents and publish the terrifying findings in the new book, The Pfizer Papers.

An old friend wanted to know why we continue to harp on the CV19™ injections given far & wide, killing and maiming millions. We do this for the children and our family and friend’s who have become lifetime victim’s, trusting in the junk science.

Those responsible need to be routed out and sentenced to prison for life and some know who they are. Listen to these brave folks risking their lives to share the truth. There are 74 new variant’s coming out and those led by fear, money, jobs and mandates will be victims of the genecide causing longterm medical effects. Millions of lives have been effected and lost, while billions have been made.

In His Service

John 8:32

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