
“The Psychic Shock”

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As America approach’s some seemingly sanity after 4 long years of insanity moving towards Marxism causing great suffering and death, we have been given an opportunity to create change.

Those who are not able to critically think grounded in Jesus Christ have no idea as to what’s in store with 74 new variants presented to the masses while employing great fear, the grand motivator for the masses.

All of the EVIDENCE OF HARM in this article has been published in PubMed, or by the FDA, Pfizer or Moderna.
NOT Safe And NOT Effective
This free online resource provides EVIDENCE that the mRNA platform is a biological weapon delivery system and its ongoing and expanded use constitutes a grievous crime against humanity.

For those who have been “vaccinated,” please review the information in this article and ask yourself this very simple question: 

If the information in this article had been made available to you before you were incentivized, coerced, convinced or tricked into receiving the COVID-19 “vaccines,” and you were given a true opportunity to understand the potential harm, would you have still allowed someone to inject a slow-acting, technologically advanced biological weapon into your arm?

People are still getting jabbed. People are still suffering. People are still being permanently disabled. People are still dying. It is NOT okay to ignore this information. Help save someone’s life. Share this information with everyone you possibly can.

Be Prepared, are you? Just as eternity is eternal, does He truly know you? Do you know Him? Are you serving Him or serving self like so many? Maybe it’s time to awaken…

In His Service

John 8:32

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