
“The Trump Bounty”

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Zelensky uses American tax dollars to campaign for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania, both evil devout Marxist so why are you funding them?

According to the Grace Commission Report, not one penny of Federal Tax money, goes to America or the US Treasury, but to the destruction of God & Country, including you, me and your family, because FEAR rules, guides and controls for the average tax payer.

Listen to Jack Posobiec, Alex Jones & Tucker Carlsons response. As Rothchild shared back in 1913, Americans will fund their own demise through taxation as children are being lobotomized & destroyed through vaccines ; like covid, creating a soulless society. The indoctrination continues with the support of parents.

Few Know Truth

Junk science continues to rule the day as the culling or society continues. Unless the people awaken the die is cast. Far too many are silent especially in the church while the sheep are led off the cliff and the culling continues.

Consider this; Spider genes containing the instructions to make silk proteins were inserted into the DNA of goat embryos. What do you think is inserted in the DNA of those volunteering for the CV19™ bioweapon?

The goats can be milked twice a day, and the spider silk protein can be extracted from the milk to produce spider silk at a substantially greater rate and quantity than spiders can provide 25 years ago. Imagine what they’re doing today which is why they are going to release the real bioweapon to get rid of 7 billion as written on the Georgia Guidestones erected in 1980 and tax payers are funding all of this…

In His Service

John 8:32

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