Vaccines create lifelong customers for Big Pharma & the medical cartel, both trillion dollar industries. Thanks to CV19™ and new born vaccines, fully supported by the Military Industrial Complex which are the greatest supporters of genecide and world depopulation.
As most parents continue to vaccinate their newborns creating longterm medical effects while creating great profits for the entire medical industry. Close to 100 vaccines are given to children who follow the childhood vaccine schedule by 18 years of age, creating a poorly functioning brain. Coupled with 12 years of mass indoctrination a totally obedient, compliant individual wageslave is created without a whimper.
Add in the CV19™ vaccines including the many boosters, 9 to date and you’ve created an individual who can no-longer think critically or reason truth. Those who worship vaccines hate children and people in general. Vaccines don’t prevent infection causing longterm brain damage, a great money making machine. Vaccines are complete quackery and fraud creating a vast array of lifelong medical problems.
Vaccines are disease seeds causing shedding, infecting others. Big pharma whores are paid millions to promote this life altering harmful issue. There is no safe vaccine to date. Big Pharma could not be a Trillion dollar industry without creating illness along with the white coat profession delivering a payload to children & naive adults. Making vaccines safe would be pointless. Evil people always make money on the less wise, the unfortunate and ill informed. Safe vaccines would be useless and unnecessary. Vaccines are designed to harm and kill and the vaccine industry is totally unaccountable.
America cannot survive if big pharma continues managing the levers of control. Pfizer owns MSM mind-washing the masses daily. Most people can’t intelligently function due to toxic food and vaccines. Those continuing to take vaccines can’t function becoming totally stupid allowing other nations to outperform Americans. The vaccine industry has doomed America with very harmful toxic materials in support of genecide. Can you say depopulation? Big pharma is a weapon against America. Once Americans can no longer think or create the end draws near.
Vaccines are necessary for depopulation and the AI transhuman takeover. Our race is being dumbed down at a rapid pace while achieving mass depopulation, replacing humans with machines.
Never forget the Georgia Guidestones erected down in south Georgia in 1980 and recently destroyed. The goal is the removal of 7 billion people and weaponized vaccines are the solution.
Pray for Father God’s Wisdom and take action in full support of truth starting with His Truth. Without embracing the gifts of His Holy Spirit mankind is doomed, cursed for all eternity. Without Father God’s Wisdom there is little to no hope..
In His Service
John 8:32